Current Planetary Positions

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Placements & Degrees!
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Sun 04° Leo 50' 21"
Moon 25° Aries 17' 56"
Mercury 01° Virgo 01' 13"
Venus 19° Leo 18' 06"
Mars 04° Gemini 29' 27"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 06' 35" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 47' 48"
Juno 25° Virgo 40' 10"
Vesta 16° Leo 42' 51"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 33' 38"
Saturn 18° Pisces 48' 43" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 42' 56"
Neptune 29° Pisces 46' 01" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 20" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 13"

Pluto's Child About to go Live!

I've been slow to get around to building the blog pieces to work with the Astrology and Numerology gizmos. But I've finally gotten around to it as you can see if your are reading this!

That is the piece of the puzzle that is finally coming together and I'll be moving the site over to in the next week or two.

If everything goes right. . .

I began building this site using Classic ASP code from work on my previous site WWW.ESTHERANDSON.COM, which was an astrology site that I ran with my mother for several years.

Eventually I'll be porting the ASP elements over to PHP to coexist more comfortably with the WordPress software I'm using for this blog.  But for now, I have the numerology and astrology gizmos working from the ASP code pieces I've had laying around for several years.

Thank you to everyone that's come by to try out the numerology and astrology gizmos.

By the way,  the astrology calculations are done using Astrolog for Dos built by Walter Pullen.

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