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Sun 21° Sagittarius 25' 16"
Moon 18° Taurus 49' 27"
Mercury 07° Sagittarius 08' 51" 
Venus 06° Aquarius 32' 58"
Mars 05° Leo 55' 44" 
Ceres 01° Aquarius 59' 01"
Pallas 04° Capricorn 45' 04"
Juno 13° Scorpio 15' 58"
Vesta 21° Libra 17' 05"
Jupiter 15° Gemini 33' 57" 
Saturn 13° Pisces 20' 49"
Chiron 19° Aries 08' 02" 
Uranus 24° Taurus 12' 56" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 08' 17"
Pluto 00° Aquarius 31' 05"
TrueNode 03° Aries 21' 39" 

Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon - Expanding The Perimeter

"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Venus trines Saturn near the beginning of this week. The Venus-Saturn trine is 'elevated' into a Grand Water Trine with the involvement of Pallas in Scorpio. There is quite a flow of productive activity early in the week, as well as a welcome dose of emotional stability and deep connections. Mercury makes a marvelously creative trine to Neptune on Tuesday before moving into Leo. But once in Leo, Mercury opposes Pluto, putting our egos on the line. It may be easy to slip into a rather self-centered self-satisfaction and miss the value and importance of the connections that are being offered. Essentially, we need to 'give back' through showing gratitude for whatever 'gifts' we are finding. The Sun's square to the Lunar Nodes on Tuesday marks an important 'pivot point'. We may find ourselves so focused on ourselves — self-care and perhaps even self-congratulation — that we miss the importance of showing compassion and concern for what is going on with others. Of course, self-care is important but it's easy to miss how important it is to pursue a 'creative engagement' with those around us — even those who we may disagree with. As the Moon wanes in light, ahead of Friday's Cancer New Moon (3:57 PM PDT 14° Cancer), an undercurrent of aggressiveness may surface. We may feel some frustration if we are struggling to balance concern for our individual security with deeper understanding and compassion for what others are experiencing. There is a great deal of vulnerability which isn't easy to clearly identify or articulate. Ultimately, what we may be struggling with is an understanding of how we set our boundaries — the perimeters — for our safety and security. By Friday's New Moon, when Mars completes a sextile to Saturn, we can begin to find some balance and a new, broader sense of safety and security. Venus makes a square to Chiron, ahead of the New Moon, which points us towards the awareness that, in fact, we are all connected and that recognizing the pain of others can help us to fully acknowledge and heal our own pain. Once we move past the New Moon, activity heats up quickly. We are likely to find it easier to open up to others. Mercury's conjunction with Vesta on Saturday encourages an intellectual decisiveness that has seemed to be lacking for quite some time. There are important breakthroughs by the end of the week, helping us to put our concern for safety and security into the background and begin to operate on a much more stable footing.

A focus on producing a sense of security brings promising results on Sunday. It is important to share our gratitude instead of slipping into 'self-satisfaction'. Despite a continued flow of increased stability and an offering of deeper connections on Monday, some may pursue a stubbornly aggressive path. It is important to balance self-care with some concern with what is happening with others. We reach an important 'pivot point' on Tuesday in a remarkably creative environment. We feel a fleeting feeling of stability even as there are important shifts taking place. We hit a rather intense 'headwind' of chaos on Wednesday. We struggle to offer respect and understanding to others — especially those who we may disagree with. A feeling of vulnerability on Thursday is difficult to clearly identify or articulate. There is quite a significant amount of intense pressure on Friday. The pressure is pointing us to an awareness that, in fact, 'we are all connected'. Breakthroughs come quickly on Saturday. We find an intellectual decisiveness that helps us to separate from self-centeredness and open up to what is happening to those around us.

Daily Astrological Currents - Cancer New Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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