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Sun 20° Aquarius 06' 40"
Moon 02° Cancer 20' 38"
Mercury 19° Aquarius 27' 14"
Venus 03° Aries 00' 39"
Mars 18° Cancer 33' 23" 
Ceres 23° Aquarius 59' 02"
Pallas 27° Capricorn 02' 14"
Juno 28° Scorpio 10' 33"
Vesta 12° Scorpio 27' 01"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 18' 32"
Saturn 18° Pisces 16' 21"
Chiron 19° Aries 45' 04"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 50"
Neptune 28° Pisces 11' 50"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 17' 38"
TrueNode 28° Pisces 03' 00" 

Cancer Full Moon

Cancer Full Moon - Letting Go

"First you jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down."

— Ray Bradbury

The Sun conjuncts Pluto at the beginning of this week, just ahead of Monday's Cancer Full Moon (3:48 PM PST 27° Cancer/Capricorn) which opposes Pluto. Although power struggles may draw much of our focus, there are important 'third way/win-win' solutions to be found through the intuition and resourcefulness provided by Neptune's conjunction with Pallas. The involvement of Pluto suggests a strong imperative to break with the past, accompanied by a powerful sense of loss. As Pluto works to 'clear the decks' we are faced with the question of how we want to rebuild — what do we want our future to look like? The challenge is to bring the lessons of the past into our exploration of the future. Uranus stations direct this week just before the Sun moves into Aquarius, which begins to push us further into what feels like new territory — new territory that seems increasingly uncertain and is likely to produce a building fear of the unknown. The transit of Uranus through Taurus is changing what we value. We need to continue to look for ways to incorporate the remaining established structures where we still see value into a new way forward. However, progress continues to be slow and, while the direct motion of Uranus will eventually show us tangible changes, we still won't see the kind of reliable progress this week that we may be hoping for. Even though we may fear the unknowns of an uncertain future, we feel impatience to move toward it. This is a paradox we are most likely to face this week. With both Venus and Mercury retrograde, we are challenged to sort through the past, especially in terms of how we interact with those around us. The more we hold on to struggles for power and questions surrounding 'who's right', the more we slow down our progress. Essentially, this week asks us to do an intense amount of 'soul searching' as we look for ways to turn the corner and cut loose whatever is holding us back while honestly assessing the lessons of our past. The challenge we face when we make the decision to break free of old, 'dead' relationships or ineffective ways of relating is that we are faced with the void that is temporarily created when we simply let go. We will need faith and courage to recognize that we won't be stuck forever and change will certainly fill the void. We will need to be prepared to actively participate in that change because, without awareness, we may only find ourselves feeling victimized by changes that we have refused to see coming.

Sunday''s Sun-Pluto conjunction reminds us that the future is always built upon the past. There may be some sense of loss that points us to recognizing our need to interact with those around us more authentically. Monday's Full Moon asks us to stay with the process, avoid power struggles, and wait for 'third way'/'win-win' solutions to emerge. Resourcefulness and intuition offer meaningful alternatives. Tuesday's atmosphere is stirred up and impatient. We will need to muster some intellectual detachment in order to avoid feeling uncomfortable or hopeless. The Sun moves into Aquarius on Wednesday. There may be some serious disorientation and the feeling that we have arrived in 'unfamiliar territory'. We will likely feel a slowdown on Thursday that helps to soften the impatience. Blending intellect and compassion is the key. We feel a bit of extra room to explore new ways of interacting on Friday. There is a strong urge to break free of situations that are no longer satisfying. We run into a bit of chaos on Saturday morning but by the afternoon, we begin to find the tools we need to process uncertainty and insecurity.

Daily Astrological Currents - Cancer Full Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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