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Sun 13° Libra 33' 27"
Moon 22° Scorpio 07' 23"
Mercury 17° Libra 39' 15"
Venus 16° Scorpio 05' 06"
Mars 17° Cancer 35' 20"
Ceres 11° Capricorn 58' 24"
Pallas 08° Sagittarius 59' 57"
Juno 20° Libra 05' 07"
Vesta 20° Virgo 04' 45"
Jupiter 21° Gemini 19' 23"
Saturn 14° Pisces 01' 05" 
Chiron 21° Aries 35' 42" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 46' 15" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 05' 50" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 38' 59" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 08" 

Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 3 - April 9

Aries New Moon - Rugged, Stubborn Individualism

The themes of isolation and independent action are apparent throughout this unpredictable, free-wheeling week. Rather than relying on the experiences or advice of others, we seem to be determined to pursue an independent course in order to gather our own experiences and make up our own mind. The willingness to take risks in the pursuit of understanding is stunning but may, in fact, result in some remarkable breakthroughs. The tendency to isolate is most prominent on Sunday as most of us are determined to keep our own counsel, preferring to avoid conflict by simply agreeing to disagree instead of trying to change anyone's mind. Our internal dialog becomes quite potent and creative on Monday. We are offered fertile ground to visualize a better future. However, there is little support to actually communicate our vision to others. Venus arrives in Aries on Tuesday, aiming towards a free-wheeling trine to Mars early next week. There is a heightened push to take decisive action, no matter the risk, suggesting an 'all-or-nothing philosophy'. The only real shot at productive communication comes on Wednesday but it is likely to be hampered by insecurity and defensiveness. Mercury has arrived in Taurus but the atmosphere is just too revved up for the kind of considered, thoughtful and deliberate discussion that is really desired. Thursday's early morning New Moon (4:23 AM PDT 18° Aries) is energized by Uranus, inspiring the building momentum of free-wheeling, independent thoughts and actions. Friday's focus on friendship is hampered by a lack of compromise and little inclination to believe that another's experience can inform our own situation. The internal struggles continue on Saturday under a VOC Moon. Breaking with tradition can produce internal conflicts and even some sense of loss. However, we seem to be determined to pursue whatever course we can find that offers us a new and unique perspective, no matter the risks.

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