Weekly Horoscope: January 22 - 28
Aquarius New Moon - Clean Slate
It seems like Mercury cast a particularly long shadow during the last retrograde period but we finally emerge from it this week. There's a clean slate provided by Friday's Aquarius New Moon (4:06 PM PST 8° Aquarius) and Mercury finally heads toward the transformative connection with Pluto which it just missed before going retrograde almost 5 weeks ago. The self re-examination and refinement phase of the journey ends and we make the turn towards a new destiny. The early part of this week seems very erratic and unpredictable, feeding a general feeling of uncertainty and even distrust. There are likely to be feelings of loss cropping up as we approach the New Moon. We find fewer and fewer established landmarks to provide a feeling of safety and continuity. However, with a balanced perspective, we will find clues that point to new opportunities becoming available that will help stabilize and guide us going forward. Emotional blind spots could keep us from recognizing some of those clues if we aren't able to honestly acknowledge and address the sense of uncertainty and distrust that has been holding us back.
Sunday begins the week with a particularly erratic and unpredictable atmosphere full of surprising twists. Nonetheless, there are valuable opportunities if we stay alert. The roller-coaster atmosphere continues on Monday and relationships may suffer from the lack of certainty and trust. A healing Venus/Chiron conjunction late on Tuesday serves up welcome opportunities to resolve some of those trust issues. We may begin to sense a looming sense of loss on Wednesday as the change in the environment begins to feel imminent. We need to stay active and engaged on Thursday while still maintaining caution as we prepare the ground for the new seeds to be planted under the New Moon. The shifts are dramatic and unmistakable under Friday's Aquarius New Moon, although there isn't much light on the path. Venus squares Saturn, triggering an honest and direct confrontation of the ongoing trust issues. Mars arrives in Aries late Friday night (9:38 PM PST), releasing a surge of self-directed energy. However, that new energy could have us focusing a bit too much on what is missing on Saturday, rather than focusing on the new opportunities that are offered. We'll be wise to take time to review our options and research a variety of alternatives before striking out on a new course.
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