Taurus Full Moon
Taurus Full Moon - Individual Power
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist."
— Indira Gandhi
This Tuesday's Taurus Full Moon (3:01 AM PST 16° Taurus/Scorpio), in a tight conjunction to Uranus, is both unpredictable and erratic. Cooperative, group effort takes a back seat to determined individual action which is both determined and persistent. There are challenges and obstacles indicated by the strong 'Fixed T-Square' emphasis. Perhaps the most significant obstacles are those that stall our ability to broaden our perspective. We struggle to incorporate our perspectives into some kind of organized, collaborative effort. The Sun and Mercury make their 'superior' conjunction in Scorpio, indicating that the seeds of new commitments are being planted. But there is little to help us find a broad enough perspective to see how we can coordinate our efforts with the efforts of others. Many feel the best option is a 'go-it-alone' approach. The tensions and obstacles that surface under the Full Moon feel very personal, intractable and entrenched. Determination can easily turn into aggression — even violence — when our individual efforts seem to be stalled. Information is unreliable following the Full Moon and the chaos produced by disconnected individual action is likely to create a great deal of mistrust. The retrograding Mars produces a significant undertow. We are trying to calibrate our individual efforts in order to be more effective. The retrograding Mars may actually encourage some desire to make broader connections but the challenges are more likely to produce a feeling of isolation. The erratic nature of Uranus is woven into our persistent and determined efforts. We are more likely to sever ties in the face of challenges, rather than have the patience to participate in any sort of organized response. In some ways, this week represents the 'last gasp' of the long-arc Saturn-Uranus square, which may have seemed to keep our unique expressions of individual freedom stalled by hard-edged, authoritative restrictions. This week may bring forward (and and finally release) some of the significant, residual frustrations going all the way back to last year. This week's tensions do finally come to a peak by Friday, following the Sun's square to Saturn. Venus and Mercury both make trines to Neptune, producing creative inspiration and enthusiasm along with gentle waves of awareness that we are all, in fact, connected. We can begin to organize our efforts and responses and move forward with new commitments and broader perspectives that open the door to greater cooperation.
We tend to pull back on Sunday. We're inclined to 'sever ties' with those we can't control. A 'go-it-alone' approach emerges. Determination may lean towards aggression on Monday. Pressure and tension increase in intensity throughout the day and our individual perspectives may be limited. The tendency to 'go-it-alone' peaks on Tuesday under the Taurus Full Moon. Individual action is erratic and unpredictable, creating a rather disconnected atmosphere and offering little satisfaction. Information is unreliable for much of the day on Wednesday. We find it difficult to develop a comprehensive 'plan of action'. Our focus may be scattered on Thursday but we do find increased interest in understanding the perspectives of others. Self-confidence is rather shaky. A restless impulsiveness has us 'chasing our tails' during the early part of the day on Friday. However, by Friday evening, we can begin to develop better connections with others, which encourages more effective communication. By Saturday, we are more inclined to seek broader perspectives. We find clues about how to rise above conflict and isolation and recognize that we are all, in fact, connected.
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