Pisces Full Moon
Pisces Full Moon - Neptune's Foggy Isolation
"No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main."
—John Donne
Mercury turns direct this week, trining Uranus, in an erratic, confusing and uncertain atmosphere. There is a strong feeling that we need to show off our independence. However, we also feel a building, emotional need to find somewhere where we belong — where we can be a part of something larger. Reconciling our independence with the need to belong requires trusted friends and alliances. If the desperation to find connections becomes too intense, we may find ourselves prone to trusting the wrong people. The mid-week Pisces Full Moon (Wednesday, 2:43 AM PDT 13° Pisces/Virgo) conjunct Neptune produces a very foggy atmosphere, which leads to even more insecurity and uncertainty. Nonetheless, by the end of the week, we seem to be able to initiate a more orderly and stable process. Full Moons are usually associated with culminations but we are more likely to see the initiation of a clarification process as we move through this week. Neptune's involvement in the Full Moon inspires a vague and tenuous urge to merge. However, Mars' entrance into Virgo, followed by the direct Mercury, leads us back towards logic, analysis and orderly processes. With enough focus on building strong friendships and alliances, that logical process will almost immediately begin to yield excellent results.
Sharp tongues and erratic behavior reach a peak on Sunday. With luck, we'll quickly recognize the need for friends and alliances who can tell us the truth and keep us in line and on track. Even though we're still looking for a way to establish some independence on Monday, we also begin to feel an increasing imperative to associate ourselves with something larger than ourselves. Trust is a major factor on Tuesday as Mars arrives in Virgo. While we may understand the need for logic, it's hard to be sure who's analysis we should believe. Wednesday's early morning Pisces Full Moon produces even more confusion and insecurity. By Thursday, we are finally ready to initiate a more orderly process of unwinding our doubts and insecurity. We finally begin to gather some clarity about how to best invest our time and energy and we can begin to free ourselves from those inner doubts. Activity increases on Friday and confidence is required in order to make the most of what's going on. As we reach the end of the week, we have the opportunity to make a fresh start with the stability and personal confidence we've been trying to find since Mercury turned retrograde last month. Mercury returns to Virgo on Saturday helping to engender a promising sense of humility. Steady effort is required but great accomplishments are possible.
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