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Sun 26° Aries 51' 06"
Moon 03° Leo 13' 04"
Mercury 19° Aries 18' 00" 
Venus 13° Aries 49' 33"
Mars 18° Pisces 57' 07"
Ceres 19° Capricorn 09' 32"
Pallas 07° Sagittarius 19' 18" 
Juno 06° Virgo 24' 13" 
Vesta 04° Cancer 52' 21"
Jupiter 20° Taurus 44' 57"
Saturn 15° Pisces 15' 03"
Chiron 19° Aries 51' 14"
Uranus 21° Taurus 34' 17"
Neptune 28° Pisces 27' 26"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 02' 25"
TrueNode 15° Aries 33' 44"

Mercury Slows

Mercury Slows - Let It Go

"For fast acting relief, try slowing down."

— Lily Tomlin

Many of us feel some benefit from a distinct slow down in the pace this week, as Mercury slows, helping to somewhat ease the frustration that began to build last week. Nonetheless, whenever the activity picks up at all, we may be easily put off balance. We will need to rely on tried and true principles and maintain our integrity in order to avoid any impulsive, emotional outbursts — which could quickly spiral out of control. As Mercury begins to slow down to turn retrograde on July 27th, we will begin to recognize that our intuition is more reliable than our intellect. Confusion and suspicions may easily lead us astray. However, if we are able to listen to the still small voice of intuition whispering to let it go, we'll find that we've been able to make remarkably productive headway this week. In particular, there are opportunities to provide service and support to others. In general, a practical, methodical approach will help us to take the time we need to understand complicated situations and unravel a myriad of challenging situations. Essentially, the more that we can adopt a slow and easy does it approach, the more we can help both ourselves and others to stay away from frustration or the temptation to blame others for our circumstances — instead of digging in and doing what we can to make things better.

Sunday's Virgo Moon makes a stabilizing Grand Earth Trine to Saturn and Uranus, easing last week's frustration a bit. The Virgo inclination towards service helps to increase our confidence into Monday. There is patient resolve to move forward at a slower, manageable pace. However, by Tuesday afternoon, activity heats up and we may be quickly thrown off balance. We need to listen to our intuition telling us to slow down and/or back off. Last week's standoff resurfaces on Wednesday and some may turn to martyrdom. Even so, there are important opportunities for resolutions by paying attention and staying with the process. The more pressure we feel on Thursday, the more opportunities we will find. Nonetheless, relationship challenges are not quickly resolved until later in the day. We may be tempted to push too hard on Friday, even though confusion and suspicion is rampant. As Mercury slows down, we'll do better to focus on long-term goals and planning, avoiding becoming too wrapped up in looking for quick solutions. We're likely to look for some kind of cover on Saturday, keeping our thoughts to ourselves instead of taking the chance of having to explain ourselves. We'll want to be especially cautious if we feel the need to even some score or get revenge.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mercury Slows- Weekly Horoscope

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