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Sun 13° Libra 30' 55"
Moon 21° Scorpio 36' 33"
Mercury 17° Libra 34' 53"
Venus 16° Scorpio 01' 00"
Mars 17° Cancer 34' 03"
Ceres 11° Capricorn 57' 53"
Pallas 08° Sagittarius 59' 03"
Juno 20° Libra 04' 12"
Vesta 20° Virgo 03' 32"
Jupiter 21° Gemini 19' 21"
Saturn 14° Pisces 01' 15" 
Chiron 21° Aries 35' 49" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 46' 19" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 05' 54" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 38' 59" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 11" 

Weekly Horoscope: July 3 - July 9


Cancer New Moon oppose Pluto - Destiny vs. Safety

This week presents us with quite a 'mixed bag' of feelings and intentions. Monday's Cancer New Moon oppose Pluto (4 AM PDT 12° Cancer) is extraordinarily activating but sets up a number of ups and downs to navigate. It is quite likely that our instincts will tell us that we should find a safe rut to settle into. However, this is a week that is about 'the Journey, not the destination'. Elements of providence, fate, destiny or the Divine Will of the Universe are apparent in the ups and downs this week. We may find ourselves disappointed with outcomes if we don't just enjoy the roller-coaster ride and allow events to unfold as they will. Even though we feel ready to go out "Slaying Dragons" on Sunday, there are obstacles and limitations to contend with that keep us bogged down ahead of Monday's New Moon. Monday's activity is quite intense and really sets the high-energy tone for the next two weeks. It isn't easy to find a sense of focus on Tuesday. However, if we find someone to talk things through with, our focus should improve immediately. Egos need a bit of managing and massaging on Wednesday. There's a significant temptation to alter our course in order to please others and gain their approval. However, all we really need to do is honestly appreciate alternative ideas — not adopt them as our own. Thursday starts out with a bit of aimless frivolity but things get more serious late in the afternoon. The Moon sets off the Saturn/Neptune square on Friday, raising significant uncertainty and a serious bout of insecurity. We are also likely to run into some stubbornly held viewpoints that seem to block our path. However, creative solutions surface late in the day that seem to help the gears mesh more smoothly. Saturday's windfall of organization ability and 'People Skills' provide a rare opportunity make meaningful, lasting connections with others.

Cancer New Moon oppose Pluto

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