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Sun 02° Aquarius 18' 09"
Moon 04° Scorpio 54' 55"
Mercury 20° Capricorn 24' 56"
Venus 18° Pisces 55' 32"
Mars 23° Cancer 51' 38" 
Ceres 17° Aquarius 07' 01"
Pallas 20° Capricorn 27' 32"
Juno 24° Scorpio 30' 24"
Vesta 07° Scorpio 03' 39"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 34' 51" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 23' 22"
Chiron 19° Aries 15' 01"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 38" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 42' 17"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 44' 06"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 09' 28" 

Cancer Full Moon

Cancer Full Moon - Idealistic Confusion

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

— Winston S. Churchill

This Tuesday's Cancer Full Moon (4:32 PM PDT 4° Cancer/Capricorn) is full of passion, inspiration, as well as a powerful dose of stirred up idealistic confusion. Venus makes a trine to Neptune just before the Full Moon, feeding dreamy inspiration into the intensity of the Full Moon. Mercury retrogrades back to make the second of three squares to Neptune in Pisces just after the Full Moon. But this time, Mercury is joined by Mars in Sagittarius which intensifies our determination to expound on our cloudy, vague ideas and inspiration with a potentially fanatical zeal. The intensity of the Full Moon is extended by a Venus-Pluto sextile that completes on Thursday. By Friday, Venus leaves the intensity of Scorpio for what we might expect to be a far more lighthearted Sagittarius journey. However, once in Sagittarius, Venus moves into a square to Saturn in Pisces which further intensifies the strong Sagittarius-Pisces square influences. The Sagittarius-Pisces square is prone to creating swirls of intense inspiration and enticing visions of new horizons that are just beyond our grasp. The Mercury-Mars conjunction encourages us to try, try, and try again to describe our inspiration with soaring but vague rhetoric or an emphatic zeal that is clouded by the square to Neptune. Further intensifying the imperatives, Chiron turns direct in Aries on Wednesday, ruled by the very active Mars, and approaches a conjunction with the transiting Aries North Node. Chiron helps us to keep our attention on the enticing New Horizons and suggests the promise of a new Spring — a potent New Beginning. Jupiter, ruling Sagittarius, is an exceptionally strong player in this entire equation, suggesting that there is some hope that we will eventually find a way to sort through this week's extreme confusion and lack of clarity. Jupiter is stationing all week, turning direct at the end of the week. There may, in fact, be some workable ideas beneath this week's swirling fog. But of course, Jupiter's involvement can also stir expectations to unrealistic proportions. The Sun's trine to Jupiter one day after the Full Moon, should help to keep the Mars-Mercury zealotry from spinning completely out of control, injecting an amiable, Big Picture philosophical perspective. There is hope that we will eventually unwind this week's passions, although the process is likely to be pretty messy with plenty of dashed expectations and some hurt feelings. Mercury will turn direct next week (January 1, 2024) and both Mercury and Mars will make trines to the direct Jupiter next month. As the unwinding process proceeds next month, we will have a better idea of what are attainable ideas or goals and what are simply fantastical 'pipe dreams'.

Intuition helps us to pull together various bits of information into interesting new patterns on Sunday. There is an enticing sense of discovery but our ability to focus is hampered. Our inspiration is stirred to extreme levels on Monday. There is some danger that we may slip into a fanatical zealotry. Tuesday's Cancer Full Moon brings a great deal of passion and inspiration. There is an extraordinary amount of 'certainty' that may very well be quite ungrounded. We may find ourselves feeling quite a let down on Wednesday. While there may be plenty of blessing in front of us, our expectations may have led us to believe that there should be even more. Sharp tongues seem to have left their mark on Thursday. While interaction may stay amiable, there is likely to be some significant sensitivity. We may see some swirling mists of inspiration on Friday but find it extremely difficult to communicate what we are seeing. There are new horizons that seem to be just beyond our grasp. We are likely to see some rather stirred up behavior on Saturday. While some of the 'sparks' may look serious, the threats aren't terribly significant.

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