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Sun 04° Leo 41' 45"
Moon 23° Aries 10' 51"
Mercury 00° Virgo 55' 13"
Venus 19° Leo 07' 04"
Mars 04° Gemini 23' 18"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 08' 06" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 46' 47"
Juno 25° Virgo 37' 18"
Vesta 16° Leo 38' 44"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 31' 58"
Saturn 18° Pisces 49' 07" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 42' 40"
Neptune 29° Pisces 46' 08" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 33" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 09"

Libra New Moon

Libra New Moon - Seeking Balance

"In the true sense one's native land, with its background of tradition, early impressions, reminiscences and other things dear to one, is not enough to make sensitive human beings feel at home.'"

— Emma Goldman

We begin the week with a surprisingly impulsive Libra New Moon (2:52 PM PDT 2° Libra) which opposes Jupiter. Despite Libra's desire for clear judgment and balance, we are inclined to try to lurch ahead, mow down the challenging obstacles, or recklessly push past the slowdowns that are surfacing. However, perfectionism heightens our sensitivities, producing discomfort and keeping us from making the kind of progress we are trying to make. We may find ourselves especially sensitive to what seems out of place as we struggle to find continuity or understand the context of the situations, interactions, or challenges that we face. The perfectionism is something that could look suspiciously like simple self-indulgence as we impulsively strike out at what looks wrong to us. We'll do much better to seek acceptance around what may feel very disorderly and incongruous to our sensitive sensibilities. In order to ease our sensitivity, we need to make connections with others and draw on their insights and perspectives. However, connections may feel quite tenuous and unsteady and we may struggle to establish a smooth flow — a productive, cooperative give-and-take. The drive to find perfect solutions and exacting understanding feeds our sensitivity and may even push some of us into self-isolation. But it is through our connections with others that we will find the broader perspective that we need in order to clarify our goals and aspirations. Mercury is slowing down all week and will turn direct at the beginning of next week. As it moves back through Virgo, Mercury gets back to a trine to Pluto, which will encourage us to dig deep in order to expose the root causes of our uncertainty and vulnerability. But Mercury stations very close to an opposition to Neptune, which can create indecision, uncertainty, and even discouragement. Ultimately, we will need to step as far back from the 'fray' as we can and try to find the help from others that will give us a broader — 'Big Picture' — perspective. The overall 'Re-Evaluation' process will continue through most of the year and so any expectations of reaching firm conclusions will only increase our sensitivity and frustration.

There may be a false start to the day on Sunday. Distractions and temptations seem to pop up everywhere. The Libra New Moon seems to spur impulsiveness. A Grand Air trine on Monday offers a wide array of promising opportunities for productive interaction and cooperation. However, sensitivities may leave us frustrated when we don't find quick solutions. Activity is heightened on Tuesday but cooperation and agreements are tentative and need to be allowed to 'play out' on their own terms. Perfectionist sensitivity reaches a peak on Wednesday. The environment is quite nebulous and ill defined. While we may want to trust our instincts and forge ahead, it is more important to stay connected to others and work through a cooperative process. Venus arrives in Libra on Thursday, increasing perfectionist sensitivity. Our sense of continuity is challenged and we struggle to understand how to establish order and context. Sensitivity produces rigidity on Friday. We struggle to deepen our connections with others. There is a significant let-down on Saturday. Mercury is stationing and will turn direct at the start of next week.

Daily Astrological Currents - Libra New Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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