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Sun 18° Virgo 35' 39"
Moon 13° Sagittarius 41' 12"
Mercury 02° Virgo 16' 40"
Venus 15° Libra 01' 12"
Mars 03° Cancer 35' 11"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 11' 00"
Pallas 00° Sagittarius 42' 21"
Juno 11° Libra 02' 24"
Vesta 07° Virgo 57' 33"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 01' 48"
Saturn 15° Pisces 49' 30" 
Chiron 22° Aries 39' 04" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 13' 16" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 47' 41" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 51' 53" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 45' 10"

Aries Full Moon

Aries Full Moon - Relationships & Individuality

"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.'"

— Maya Angelou

The lurching, impulsive energy of the last New Moon (September 25th 2° Libra) comes to a peak with this Sunday's Aries Full Moon (1:56 PM PDT 16° Aries/Libra) which is tightly wound up with a Venus-Chiron opposition. Venus and Chiron focus our attention on those around us and encourage us to pay attention to the needs of others. While we may feel the urge to offer our help, support, and valuable perspectives, there is uncertainty and some concern about fully committing to any specific solutions. The layers of complications beneath the superficial, apparently simple, solutions go deep and create nagging uncertainty. We may be worried about our own stability if we go too far to help others. Or we may lack the confidence in our individual perspective to openly share that perspective with others. Either way, we are generally more comfortable trying to 'keep the conversation going', rather than come to conclusions that will create commitments we aren't quite ready to make. Mercury arrives in Libra shortly after the Full Moon, further increasing the indecision and desire to keep talking until we find some perfect solution before even beginning the process. As well, the first of three Mars-Neptune squares completes this week. While the square offers immense creativity, there is also an idealistic quality — further driving the search for perfection — as well as significant lack of clarity. When we try to clearly articulate our ideas and solutions, we may actually be increasing the confusion. It is easy to become frustrated when we see the need for further adjustments in the face of endless obstacles, unpredictable variables, and even stubborn opposition. In truth, there are no clear, simple, 'perfect' solutions. A desire to find stability and a lasting sense of 'order' will be elusive for the rest of the year. The message of the Full Moon is to find common purpose with those around us and share our perspective openly and honestly without any expectation that we have the only — or the best — ideas. The progress that we make this week will be achieved in 'baby steps', not grand flourishes or comprehensive initiatives. There are indeed ample opportunities this week to share our perspectives and produce innovative, creative building blocks that can lay a foundation for future cooperative alliances. We just need to stay away from any expectation of quick solutions. When we do share our individual perspectives, we may not gain immediate recognition of the validity of those perspectives. Perhaps the best that we can do here is to recognize that, in fact, sharing is caring and what we have to offer may fit into a larger picture that we can't see from where we are right now.

Sunday's Aries Full Moon increases our desire to help others but our efforts are effectively stalled. Some may be concerned about making too many commitments. Mercury returns to Libra on Monday. We're more interested in 'keeping the conversation going' than coming to any conclusions. A desire to just get organized is frustrated by too many complications on Tuesday. We long for something clear and certain. We need to quiet our minds enough to find Wednesday's available opportunities to begin to make real, lasting changes. We'll do better aiming for 'baby steps'. There is a bit of stabilization on Thursday under a Venus-Saturn trine. We can begin to focus on 'similarities rather than differences'. Optimism increases on Friday. There is something like a fresh start that opens the door to more productive communication. We're inclined to pull back somewhat on Saturday. The sensitivity and uncertainty of the Cancer Moon may have us looking for somewhere to hide.

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