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Sun 20° Aquarius 10' 35"
Moon 03° Cancer 12' 54"
Mercury 19° Aquarius 34' 03"
Venus 03° Aries 03' 11"
Mars 18° Cancer 32' 37" 
Ceres 24° Aquarius 00' 33"
Pallas 27° Capricorn 03' 39"
Juno 28° Scorpio 11' 14"
Vesta 12° Scorpio 28' 04"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 18' 36"
Saturn 18° Pisces 16' 47"
Chiron 19° Aries 45' 12"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 52"
Neptune 28° Pisces 11' 57"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 17' 45"
TrueNode 28° Pisces 02' 39" 

An Astrologer is (Re)Born

As some may have noticed, I’ve been giving this website quite a bit more attention under this retrograde Mercury. The latest (re)visions are in preparation for my (re)turn to astrological consulting. It has taken me several years to make the decision to accept clients again and the process has felt very much like a continuation of the transformational process which brought this website into existence in the first place – an unfolding process of discovery that continues to surprise me.

Esther & Son (the astrology partnership my mother and I founded) was dissolved in 2004. Although I stopped accepting requests for astrology readings, I continued to use Astrology as a spiritual tool in my personal life. I began to think about giving astrology readings again while I was working on revising and re-releasing mom’s books, I would think of people that I knew who had a particular conjunction or degree influence. As I put in revisions or considered particular phrasing in the books, I would think, “Oh, I’ve got to share this with -----!” And it became clear to me, in a broader sense, that indeed, I do need to share. It really was kind of an “Ah-Hah!” moment.

I’ve been preparing to do astrology readings again by resurrecting the daily forecast that mom and I used to offer, the Daily Astrological Currents. The process of writing these forecasts helps me to get a better overall view of the astrological atmosphere. And over the last couple of months, I have been giving astrology readings for several friends and acquaintances who kindly offered me the opportunity to refresh my consulting experience. In the next few weeks, I’ll begin to outline the details of my new astrological consulting practice, post fees and offer a calendar for online scheduling.

Astrology, for me, is a tool that provides unmistakably valuable information, assisting me in broadening my spiritual understanding. But Astrology is certainly not the only spiritual tool in my toolkit. There are a multitude of sources, in a wide range of disciplines, which offer marvelous tools one may add to their own personal toolkit and each individual who seeks a spiritual context for their lives must find and collect their own set of spiritual tools.

There are also a multitude of guides that will offer to assist us in following a spiritual path: ministers and priests, gurus and masters, psychotherapists, teachers, even friends or casual acquaintances – and, of course, astrologers. One guide, source or discipline that is perfect for one individual may not be at all helpful to another. Ultimately, it is a deeply personal, individual choice we must make when we choose to seek a spiritual context for our lives.

I’m rather fond of Sheldon B. Kopp’s work, If You Meet A Buddha On The Path, Kill Him, in which Kopp essentially points out that no matter who you choose to guide you on your path, you must ultimately become your own disciple: “For each of us, the only hope resides in (our) own efforts, in completing (our) own story, not the other’s interpretation” (page 63). But to the list of above mentioned guides already offering such assistance, I have decided to return my name. And for those who would like to better understand what Astrology can offer to the seeker of a spiritual context for their lives, I will once again humbly offer my services.

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