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Sun 13° Taurus 17' 38"
Moon 06° Pisces 35' 33"
Mercury 18° Aries 19' 06"
Venus 04° Taurus 38' 28"
Mars 02° Aries 00' 08"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 06' 53"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 51' 20" 
Juno 06° Virgo 40' 16"
Vesta 10° Cancer 45' 56"
Jupiter 24° Taurus 38' 53"
Saturn 16° Pisces 49' 53"
Chiron 20° Aries 49' 28"
Uranus 22° Taurus 30' 00"
Neptune 28° Pisces 59' 45"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 14" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 21' 58"

Sagittarius Full Moon

Sagittarius Full Moon - Optimistic Leadership

"We're so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it is all about."

— Joseph Campbell

Mercury returns to Gemini this week and, by the end of the week, emerges from the 'retrograde shadow'. Once back in Gemini, Mercury once again forms a sextile to Jupiter - helping to expand our philosophical perspective and giving us opportunities to share that perspective with those around us. Jupiter in Aries rules Tuesday's Sagittarius Full Moon (4:51 AM PDT 23° Sagittarius/Gemini), and we see a number of astounding new opportunities emerge. The energy and excitement of the Full Moon is enhanced by a Mars-Chiron conjunction, which encourages the emergence of new leaders with strong, independent new voices. However, the heightened energy may seem rather chaotic. We will need to stay actively engaged in order to avoid allowing the energy to spiral out of control and lead to a sort of reckless abandon. There are, in fact, challenges to overcome and adjustments to be made as Mercury moves back over the early degrees of Gemini. The Full Moon may heighten the expectation of tangible progress, which could quickly put us 'out over our skis' if we don't pay close attention and 'stay with the process' as it unfolds. The overarching lessons this week are less about the tangible progress and more about the expanding insights and enhanced perspectives. We continue to be encouraged to make new connections with others, not just to share our own perspectives but also to gather new information. But we need to make connections that are more than simply transactional 'networking contacts'. We need to understand how to listen and respond in order to build the conversation into a strong and comprehensive plan of action. As new voices begin to emerge, sharing completely new perspectives, there may be some initial missteps. The messages may seem garbled — especially at the end of this week. However, as we become more engaged and build upon this week's enhanced optimism and confidence, we will begin to shift away from the focus on safety and security and recognize the need to imagine new possibilities and explore innovative new ideas.

Frustrations linger on Sunday but dissipate as we move through the day. Progress is scattered but social interaction and engagement is supported. Mercury returns 'home' to Gemini on Monday. While there are adjustments to be made, the overall atmosphere is exciting and optimistic. Tuesday's Sagittarius Full Moon provides significant opportunities for new insight and expanded connections. However, the energy isn't easy to control and we'll do better to stick with 'tried and true' approaches. Overly optimistic expectations could lead to missteps on Wednesday. Impatience is debilitating. Threads of humility help us to recognize that material gains are meaningless if we aren't paying attention the the spiritual/emotional elements of our journey. New voices begin to recognize their power on Friday. The importance of finding innovative new solutions takes over our concern over safety and security. There may be some garbled messages on Saturday but the importance of continuing the conversation is significant.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mercury-Pluto Trine - Weekly Horoscope

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