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Sun 29° Capricorn 43' 37"
Moon 04° Libra 58' 46"
Mercury 16° Capricorn 29' 42"
Venus 16° Pisces 34' 07"
Mars 24° Cancer 50' 22" 
Ceres 16° Aquarius 07' 59"
Pallas 19° Capricorn 29' 22"
Juno 23° Scorpio 54' 04"
Vesta 06° Scorpio 11' 16"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 42' 21" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 08' 24"
Chiron 19° Aries 11' 58"
Uranus 23° Taurus 18' 57" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 38' 39"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 39' 12"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 07' 51"

Mercury-Jupiter Trine

Mercury-Jupiter Trine- Communicating Beliefs

"Most people don't know how to listen because the major part of their attention is taken up by thinking."

— Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now

There are building tensions this week which are leading towards next week's crisis-driven Aries Full Moon (4:26 AM PDT 24° Aries/Libra) on October 17th. The Libra Sun's desire for peaceful balance is less than helpful and seems to stifle the clear communication and emotional clearing that is desperately needed here. Libra wants to keep trying to connect with others even thought the tendency is to keep uncomfortable emotional truth 'tucked away' in order to avoid stirring things up — which winds up creating building frustration. Jupiter stations to go retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday of this week, ruled by Mercury in Libra. Mercury completes a trine to the stationing Jupiter just one day earlier. We might expect the Mercury-Jupiter trine would help us make important connections with others and communicate our understanding — our 'truth' — with effective clarity. However, there are limitations imposed by Libra's focus on 'balance', protocol, and 'appropriateness'. As well, Venus is ruling Libra from Scorpio, suggesting some challenging trust issues — "You can't handle the truth!" — or other deep, determined, emotional roadblocks. Venus makes an 'amiable' trine to Mars early in the week, which helps to alleviate some of the challenges. The Venus-Mars trine provides a 'veneer' of amiability that seems to soften or obscure some of the frustrations associated with trying to make effective connections with others. But once the Venus-Mars trine and the Mercury-Jupiter trine pass, we're left with some rather intense emotional confusion. Most of the frustration is stirred by the Sun's forming square to Mars in Cancer. Mars enters the shadow of his next retrograde period (December 6, 2024 - February 23, 2025) at the beginning of this week, laying down a marker in terms of our sense of emotional security. Mars isn't comfortable in Cancer, often producing defensiveness or other troubling emotional irritations. The strong desire to keep things 'balanced' doesn't really offer us enough space to fully convey the depth of our emotional challenges or discomfort. Without an 'open and honest' outlet to clear away the emotional debris, we aren't able to directly focus on moving forward and making effective connections to others. Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Friday, which will eventually offer the kind of 'transformational forward momentum' that we're trying to find. However, Pluto is ruled by Saturn in Pisces, which will be retrograde for another month (stationing direct on November 15th). Ultimately, this suggests another layer of frustration in terms of clarity of purpose and an inability (for the time being) to directly focus on our future progress. The true bright spot this week is the Jupiter-Chiron sextile, which completes just after Jupiter's retrograde station. While this energy may be rather uneven or scattered, it does suggest that at least some of us will eventually find ways to break out of Libra's 'constraints' — break out of the bounds of what is traditionally considered acceptable — and express our truth in new and truly revolutionary ways. However, we may not really see the fruition of this 'break out' effort until we reach the second Jupiter-Chiron sextile on May 18, 2025.

There is a deceptively amiable atmosphere on Sunday. Emotional elements continue to keep our progress lopsided or uneven. The need for support and an active exchange of ideas is quite strong on Monday. We are encouraged to reach out and open new dialogs even though we may feel a bit off-balance, unsteady, and vulnerable. Tuesday brings significant emotional confusion and insecurity. Impulsiveness and excitability expose the frustrations in unpredictable ways. Our intense desire to connect with others is tied up tightly by emotional frustration on Wednesday. We aren't sure how to adhere to appropriate protocol while expressing our frustrations. We need to find ways to adjust our perspective on Thursday. The lack of clear direction and purpose creates an undertow that holds us back from making progress. Energy is scattered and dissipated on Friday. Nonetheless, we continue to try to effectively connect in ways that allow us to share our insights with others. There is significant 'nervous tension' on Saturday. We aren't able to manifest much ability to focus on real, tangible 'action steps'.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mercury-Jupiter Trine - Weekly Horoscope

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