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Sun 15° Taurus 22' 22"
Moon 07° Aries 46' 14"
Mercury 19° Aries 43' 06"
Venus 07° Taurus 16' 58"
Mars 03° Aries 39' 07"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 15' 13"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 17' 14" 
Juno 06° Virgo 49' 29"
Vesta 11° Cancer 33' 26"
Jupiter 25° Taurus 09' 03"
Saturn 17° Pisces 00' 38"
Chiron 20° Aries 56' 35"
Uranus 22° Taurus 38' 24"
Neptune 29° Pisces 03' 27"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 09" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 24' 38"

Pisces Full Moon

Pisces Full Moon - Pragmatic Visionary

"Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to require the most from you. Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?"

— Caroline Myss

There is incredible potential in this week's combination of mutable squares (slippery slopes and chaotic processes) and Earth trines (practical, pragmatic 'trudging'). Jupiter's square to Neptune has been instilling extraordinary inspiration and vision. Now, the potent emphasis on pragmatic, process-oriented Virgo has us looking for ways to put our vision into action. Of course, the side of Virgo that seems picky and critical can also result in bringing forward significant insecurities. Virgo may also create nervous uncertainty when a seemingly endless string of questions threatens to burst the bubble of our inspiration. This Friday's Pisces Full Moon (9:32 PM PDT 21° Pisces/Virgo) brings the crux of the Pisces-Virgo opposition to a peak. Basically, in order to bring our Piscean vision to reality, we need to follow the orderly process that is outlined by the pragmatism produced by Virgo's analysis. There are likely to be some 'bumpy' spots in this week's road. Nervousness and insecurity are likely to surface when our faith becomes thin. Just because we are being asked to follow an orderly process doesn't mean that we must only follow conventional paths. This week offers profound opportunities to break new ground and bring about meaningful change but, of course, this is exactly when we begin to feel the most insecure.

Sunday sets the tone for the week, requiring that we balance visionary indulgence with practical action. Cooperation and collaboration are important elements that we may be tempted to overlook, leading to prickly exchanges and personality clashes. The Moon's arrival in Aquarius on Monday afternoon provides enough detachment to set aside personality conflicts, opening the door for sharing expansively visionary ideas without stepping on individual toes. The ride is a little 'rocky' on Tuesday. We are likely to feel especially impulsive and irritable. However, rather than getting stuck on our lack of control, we'll do better to just 'ride out' the strain. The Moon is VOC all day on Wednesday. Confidence wanes and complications abound. By Thursday, the brakes are off. We find that we have tremendous power at our fingertips — we need to be sure we maintain responsibility. The struggle between creative inspiration and pragmatic processing stirs up significant insecurity under Friday's Full Moon. Steady and determined effort is called for. Venus arrives in Libra on Saturday, with Mercury as her entourage. After a slow start, we eventually find restored confidence and a renewed sense of courage once the Moon arrives in Aries.

Daily Astrological Currents - Pisces Full Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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