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Sun 14° Taurus 21' 23"
Moon 22° Pisces 25' 52"
Mercury 18° Aries 59' 50"
Venus 05° Taurus 59' 27"
Mars 02° Aries 50' 44"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 11' 20"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 34' 05" 
Juno 06° Virgo 44' 47"
Vesta 11° Cancer 10' 08"
Jupiter 24° Taurus 54' 17"
Saturn 16° Pisces 55' 25"
Chiron 20° Aries 53' 07"
Uranus 22° Taurus 34' 47"
Neptune 29° Pisces 01' 39"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 12" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 23' 32"

Weekly Astrology Forecast: May 1 - May 7

Taurus New Moon - (Re)Sculpting the Future

This week is dominated by a lazily forming Grand Earth trine involving the Sun, Jupiter, Pluto and eventually, the Moon. The Earthy influences peak with an auspicious New Moon on Friday (12:26 PM PDT 16° Taurus). The early part of the week injects some watery Piscean energy to create an amazing 'Clay' — a mixture of emotion and purposeful intention. As we work with this 'clay' material, we'll find ourselves discovering some profound, internal structural changes. We shouldn't miss the opportunities to explore the possibilities and experiment with the shapes as we mold a new structural framework and remove unworkable elements from the overall design. Sunday begins the week with a tentative, intuitive flow that seems to intentionally sidestep explanations or any justification of actions. Monday could produce some significant frustration, if we're asked to clarify our thoughts, ideas, actions or motives. We are looking for possibilities, which are limited when we try too hard to explain what we're trying to create. By Tuesday, a milder, philosophical approach relieves the pressure to be more specific and there is a beneficent, practical desire to offer help and reassurance where ever we can. Wednesday provides some extra courage to shake things up and try making some practical improvements. There is quite a bit of intensity in the process and some may feel quite unsettled, even though intentions seem to be genuinely well-meaning. The Moon arrives in Taurus on Thursday, ahead of Friday's New Moon and heads towards a lovely conjunction with Venus in the evening. This is quite an encouraging and stabilizing atmosphere, offering whispers of good fortune and productive development. There is a certain amount of luck available under Friday's New Moon but it only 'primes the pump' for future progress. We need to maintain determined effort in order to make the most of the blessings. We also need to accept that there will be more adjustments required and not become too attached to one particular outcome. As we end the week on Saturday, a Gemini Moon sets up a chaotic and haphazard Full Mutable Cross that will culminate on Sunday morning, when we begin a new week. Communication is particularly difficult but a dash of intuition will help to understand what others are really trying to convey.

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