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Sun 26° Taurus 34' 10"
Moon 12° Virgo 49' 38"
Mercury 01° Taurus 36' 23"
Venus 21° Taurus 32' 40"
Mars 12° Aries 31' 09"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 32' 06" 
Pallas 29° Scorpio 55' 30" 
Juno 08° Virgo 04' 08"
Vesta 15° Cancer 58' 40"
Jupiter 27° Taurus 52' 52"
Saturn 17° Pisces 53' 01"
Chiron 21° Aries 33' 23"
Uranus 23° Taurus 18' 44"
Neptune 29° Pisces 21' 39"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 03' 25" 
TrueNode 14° Aries 53' 38"

Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 26 - May 2

Communication is the key to this week's tangible progress which is well grounded by the remarkably productive Grand Earth Trine on Tuesday and Wednesday. There may be a few unexpressed expectations floating around on Sunday but the week begins with a strong sense of individual freedom, initiative and brave self-expression. Although Monday may bring a brief feeling of uncertainty and indecision, we should take the time to reflect on who we really are and what we really want. As we move through the week, we are challenged to embrace a cooperative spirit while still maintaining a solid position of our own. We are in a crucial period of rebuilding, following the highly significant Pluto/Uranus square and we are beginning to see the tangible evidence of the new structures that are emerging. It is particularly important to 'remain teachable' as a myriad of new ideas are presented. We may find some challenging conflicts arise between what we feel emotionally and what we know intellectually. We need to be very careful not to try to close down channels of input when we sense that by listening to others, our deeply held beliefs may be unacceptably challenged. Saturday ends the week with a pleasant atmosphere of light social interaction as our focus shifts to those within our inner circle who's beliefs are more likely to be in line with our own. Nonetheless, next week begins with a Full Moon on Sunday (8:42 PM PDT 13° Taurus/Scorpio) that will increase the pressure to resolve conflicts between intellectual facts and emotional beliefs.

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