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Sun 29° Capricorn 40' 08"
Moon 04° Libra 18' 05"
Mercury 16° Capricorn 24' 27"
Venus 16° Pisces 30' 54"
Mars 24° Cancer 51' 43" 
Ceres 16° Aquarius 06' 39"
Pallas 19° Capricorn 28' 03"
Juno 23° Scorpio 53' 15"
Vesta 06° Scorpio 10' 04"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 42' 32" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 08' 04"
Chiron 19° Aries 11' 54"
Uranus 23° Taurus 18' 59" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 38' 35"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 39' 05"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 07' 49"

Jupiter-Chiron Sextile

Jupiter-Chiron Sextile - Crossing Boundaries

"What happens is consciousness operates in mysterious ways. One of those ways is that the old paradigm suddenly starts to die."

— Deepak Chopra

We begin to get hints of broader shifts and changes this week. The Sun escapes the opposition to Saturn and makes a promising square to Jupiter. Essentially, optimistic Jupiter seems to take over the reigns from Saturn this week, drawing our focus away from constraints and self-doubt while encouraging exploration into new territory. We are still in the waxing phase of a well-grounded and extremely productive lunar cycle, following last Monday's Virgo New Moon (6:55 PM PDT 11° Virgo). As we move through the 1st quarter of the current lunar cycle, there is a restless and somewhat chaotic atmosphere that may keep us quite stirred up. Imperatives can begin to seem more serious and pressing than they actually are. Our best strategy is really to stand back, take a deep breath, hold on and enjoy the ride! Mercury moves back into Virgo late Sunday night, passing through the potent 'hot zone' of the YOD formed with Pluto and Neptune. This third pass through the 'zone' offers powerful, intellectual understanding (supported by our intuitive awareness) of the broad changes that are underway. Mercury makes a second sextile to Mars in Cancer this week (the first was back on August 23rd). Now that Mercury is direct, we have more capacity to keep up with the ongoing flood of new ideas and new information. The asteroid Pallas arrives in Sagittarius this week, providing even more assistance in effectively making use of these new ideas. But what is even more helpful are the 'whispers' from the forming Jupiter-Chiron sextile that just beginning to form and will be a part of the overall environment well into next year. In partnership with Jupiter, Chiron can teach us to make surprising new connections between seemingly disparate bits of information. We can begin to recognize brand new patterns and suddenly see whole new vistas opening up before us that we hadn't fully comprehended before. Chiron's maverick qualities are encouraged by Jupiter, suggesting that old boundaries and old attitudes are falling away. For some of us, this may create significant feelings of vulnerability. Considerable exposure will be facilitated by the Jupiter-Chiron sextile. As well, the next two Jupiter-Saturn squares (December 24, 2024 and June 15th, 2025) will be informed by Chiron's sextile with Jupiter. This suggests surprising, innovative, breakthroughs that challenge our concept of what is traditionally considered acceptable — or even possible. The structural adjustments required by the Jupiter-Saturn square can become true 'paradigm shifts' with the involvement of Chiron. Chiron's message, in Aries, is teaching us to better understand the importance of sharing our own unique perspective but also, to recognize the truth of our interconnectedness. Jupiter in Gemini encourages and expands our sense of connection, putting us in touch with a bold new vision of cooperation and collaborative efforts. As we move towards the broader shifts to come over the next year — Uranus into Gemini, Saturn and Neptune into Aries, Pluto's return to Aquarius — the groundwork that we are laying now and the connections that we are making will help determine how well we are able to make use of the dramatic shifts that are on the way.

We may feel somewhat vulnerable on Sunday. The energy is quite potent but with courage and clarity, a great deal of accomplishment is possible. We may find that we are 'second guessing' ourselves on Monday. As more and more information comes to light, we may struggle to process it effectively. We are prone to getting 'stuck in the weeds' on Tuesday. The imperatives aren't likely to be as serious as they might seem. Wednesday brings us 'quite a ride' of chaos and confusion but things fall into place spontaneously. Brand new patterns emerge. There is significant restlessness on Thursday. Some actions may seem to be quite 'out-of-touch' or out of line with what is considered acceptable. We can begin to see a new way forward on Friday. We begin to understand how valuable cooperation has become to advancing our individual goals. A number of adjustments are required on Saturday and we may feel some concern over emotional safety. Nonetheless, the momentum seems to keep us moving towards embracing a broadly cooperative and collaborative approach.

Daily Astrological Currents - Jupiter-Chiron Sextile  - Weekly Horoscope

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