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Sun 02° Aquarius 14' 26"
Moon 04° Scorpio 11' 40"
Mercury 20° Capricorn 19' 14"
Venus 18° Pisces 52' 11"
Mars 23° Cancer 53' 01" 
Ceres 17° Aquarius 05' 36"
Pallas 20° Capricorn 26' 08"
Juno 24° Scorpio 29' 32"
Vesta 07° Scorpio 02' 25"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 35' 01" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 23' 01"
Chiron 19° Aries 14' 56"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 39" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 42' 11"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 43' 59"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 09' 29" 

Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn New Moon - Follow Through

"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship."

— Louisa May Alcott

We are continuing to ride through a number of 'turning points' this week as we move into 2025 — a year of transition and even more dramatic turning points. Saturn and Neptune will dance over the Pisces/Aries cusp in 2025 and Uranus will cross back and forth over the Taurus/Gemini Cusp. Those back and forth shifts will provide us with experiences that help us to weave our past experiences into future initiatives. These shifts will complete in 2026. This week, the lunar nodes are activating the Aries/Pisces and Libra/Virgo cusps before moving into the Pisces (North Node)/Virgo (South Node) axis next week. The new positions will emphasize the value of deeper connection, compassion, and faith. The Capricorn New Moon (2:26 PM PST 9° Capricorn) on Monday is given only 'distant' guidance from a wide-orb sextile to Saturn, ruling Capricorn, and a wide-orb quincunx to Jupiter. But the culmination of this new lunar cycle at the next Full Moon (January 13th, 2025 2:28 PM PST 23° Cancer/Capricorn) will tightly aspect Uranus, offering the potential for breakthroughs in the expression of independent, inspired insights and ideas. The New Moon is informed by Capricorn's protective reliance on established structure but Monday's New Moon also provides us a path to move on from the past in order to find our future. Mercury in Sagittarius returns to trine Chiron in Aries one last time, just after the New Moon. Chiron's 'Maverick' influence offers encouragement to Mercury, encouraging us to demonstrate the lessons we've learned from the last Mercury retrograde period — essentially a message saying "Take your shot — show us what you got". But it is clear that follow-through, informed by patience and humility, is extremely important in this new lunar cycle. Mars returns to make the second of three oppositions to Pluto this week. The opposition brings challenges to the need for follow-through. Sacrifices may be required. Independent, individual will-power is quite strong but our determination may seem fanatical to those who don't share our perspectives. Insecurity is a large factor in this round of the Mars-Pluto opposition. But this won't be the 'end of the story' since there will be another Mars-Pluto opposition in late April when Mars (individual will power) will be in a much stronger position. Venus moves into Pisces on Thursday and seems to place a 'gauzy' cover that quickly obscures the tension of this week's Mars-Pluto opposition. Mars will retrograde back into Cancer next week and we will begin to look more closely at setting boundaries and protecting and nurturing what we determine to be most important to the expression of our individual inspiration. By the end of the week, we are likely to recognize the need to regroup in order to pursue a new round of initiatives 'in the Spring'.

Sunday's 'Good Fortune' is easily missed due to a temptation to look for 'Something More'. Individuals have more power than may be apparent. Follow-through, informed by patience and humility, is extremely important as we go forward on Monday. We can begin to see a path to move on from the past and find our future. Power struggles surface in unpredictable ways on Tuesday. Sacrifices may be required. Passive resistance, relying on patience and humility, might be the most effective response to Wednesday's challenges. Communication and connection is important, with a need for dynamic balance between tangible and spiritual progress. Intellectual ability is heightened on Thursday but there is a temptation to take advantage of complications. Insecurity is a large factor on both sides of an intense standoff. Tensions ease on Friday but may be hidden beneath the surface. Some degree of perfectionism may hamper us from drawing on a wider view. We have an opportunity to clear away some complicated obstacles on Saturday. We begin to recognize that we need to regroup in order to protect what is most important to us.

Daily Astrological Currents - Capricorn New Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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