Cancer Full Moon
Cancer Full Moon - Breakthroughs and Breakdowns
"Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be."
— Marcus Aurelius
The Cancer Full Moon (2:26 PM PST 23° Cancer/Capricorn) on Monday of this week is extremely potent and full of both breakthroughs and breakdowns. But it isn't an ending. Only a preparatory step toward a new beginning. The Full Moon sextiles Uranus. As well, the Sun completes a trine to Uranus only hours before the Full Moon. Also, the second of three Mars-Neptune trines completes on the day before the Full Moon, which intensifies the spiritual intuition inherent in the Full Moon's Cancer/Capricorn axis. Spiritual intuition is amplified by the Moon's conjunction with Mars and trine to Neptune just hours after the Full Moon. The breakthroughs may be quite visionary, while the breakdowns are likely to be quite unexpected and may even seem to deeply threaten our security. A waxing Venus-Jupiter square is also tied into this extremely volatile and unpredictable Full Moon, suggesting extravagant over-optimism (or overreach) which may initially look like success but without grounding and a clear sense of direction can quickly fall apart. There is little to suggest that things turn out exactly as planned. What is also quite important to consider in this environment is that the Sun is closing out the transit of Capricorn this week and will arrive in Aquarius at the beginning of next week. The Cancer Full Moon energy — especially involving Mars — suggests powerful growth energy. But Capricorn is indicative of the 'Spirit in the Seed' which seeks to materially protect the essence of new life — a new vision — by carefully enclosing it within the hard shell of the seed in preparation for new growth in the future. There is certainly a growing instinct in this environment but there is also significant conservatism that is deeply rooted in a desire for safety and security. This week's developments may feel like important beginnings or unexpected endings that seem to be final. However, this week is actually a set up for even more important breakthroughs that we are heading into in the Spring — in March and April. The Moon conjuncts the South Node — newly established in Virgo — and trines the Capricorn Sun at the end of the week. Virgo's instinct for service and humility is enlisted by the Capricorn mission to protect the 'Sprint in the Seed' for future growth. But there are important questions to be answered regarding what is actually most important and where we set the boundaries in terms of the safety and protection of what we consider to be our 'community' or our tribe. In this environment, we may be tempted to abandon individual self-interest, self-respect, and personal integrity, to 'bow in service', and essentially assume a slave role in service to the goals and vision of others. It is especially important to embrace the Virgo quality of discrimination as we try to understand how to assist in making appropriate preparations for the future while maintaining our individual sense of integrity. The Moon arrives in Libra and trines Pluto on Saturday night — the very end of the week. The Sun's arrival in Aquarius at the beginning of next week will be intensified by the initial conjunction to Pluto — the first such conjunction in the new Pluto in Aquarius era. There is transformation and rebirth suggested by next week's Sun-Pluto conjunction. Our connection to the 'greater good' as well as where we set our boundaries begins to transform. As we look ahead, in preparation for rebirth, new beginnings, and new growth, discrimination is a key factor in determining what is important and how we lend our support to broader efforts in service of the 'Greater Good'. Our challenge is to look beyond this week's immediate tumult — to honor the intuitive messages telling us what will serve us best as we move forward. Connection and compassion are crucial but we must guard against succumbing to any fear or manipulation as we determine the course that is best for us individually.
Sunday brings extraordinary inspiration but there is also the potential for over-optimism and high expectations. We may find inspiration to keep going or we may be tempted to reach too far based on over-optimistic illusions. Visionary breakthroughs are possible on Monday. However, things do not turn out as planned. Both 'winners' and 'losers' find a great deal of humility on Tuesday. There is a great deal of capacity for learning from either missed opportunities or important breakthroughs. We face extreme limitations on Wednesday and a strong desire to avoid conflict. Surface congeniality may be used to cover up significant hostility. We find ourselves focused on the details on Thursday but we may be prone to missing the Big Picture developments. There is some danger of putting ourselves in a 'slave role' on Friday. Misunderstandings begin to develop that become more apparent on Saturday. Practicality and conservatism are highlighted on Saturday, which is deeply rooted in a desire for safety and security. We face challenges to finding common purpose with others.
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