Aquarius New Moon
Aquarius New Moon - Erratic Genius
"Sweet, crazy conversations full of half sentences, daydreams and misunderstandings more thrilling than understanding could ever be"
— Toni Morrison, Beloved
Genius is stirred by this Wednesday's Aquarius New Moon (4:35 AM PST 9° Aquarius), tinged with creativity, inspiration, and intuition. We also find notes of defiance and a sense of destiny that drives independent activity. The blending of intellect and intuition is exhilarating but the New Moon's trine to Jupiter can drive our expectations and optimism to potentially unattainable levels. Our confidence may encourage us to dramatically shift course in surprising and unpredictable ways. Uranus stations direct on Thursday, encouraging this defiant, independent shift in direction. Mercury moves out of Capricorn following a daydream inspiring sextile to Neptune early this week. Mercury arrives in Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto, just before the New Moon. The Mercury-Pluto conjunction infuses a strong sense of 'destiny' into the initiative power of the New Moon. Intellectual capacity is enhanced, bringing forward the genius qualities of Aquarius. But there is also an emphasis on the erratic unpredictability of Aquarius. Some ideas that surface this week may seem 'odd' or 'out-of-touch'. Venus and Neptune approach a conjunction with the North Node all week. The Venus/Neptune/North Node conjunction is activated at the beginning of the week by Mercury's sextile to Neptune, from Capricorn to Pisces. Intuitive guidance propels the independent, optimistic, defiant energy of the New Moon. Jupiter's trine to the New Moon also supports our confidence to defy any established order or belief. Nonetheless, in defiance, we can easily miss the strong need for connection. Jupiter's involvement highlights our belief systems. There is a need for approval that suggest strong conflicts with the defiant, genius quality of Aquarius, potentially leading to detached isolation. The potential of the Venus-Neptune interaction is wrapped up in a desire for interaction and approval. In order to fully establish a deep connection, we need to interact with others and share our ideas. Without this connection, we can quickly lose touch with the powerful intuitive guidance that is offered this week. Blending this week's potent intellectual capacity with the creative and intuitive guidance is extremely challenging. When our defiant independence stirs up too much opposition and doubt, interaction may be stalled or stifled and we lose the importance sense of connection that underlies the true power inherent in this week's extraordinary energy.
New ideas begin to emerge on Sunday that may not be well understood. A genius quality is emerging that may seem destabilizing, odd, or even 'out-of-touch'. Individual expression is highlighted on Monday, indicating personal awakenings. The 'seed energy' for new ideas is broadly geared towards humanitarian advancement, freedom and innovation. Intellect and intuition are blended in extremely powerful ways on Tuesday but there is some need for caution. The erratic energy can feel quite disruptive. A sense of destiny is guided by intuition and creativity on Wednesday. There are also strong hints of independence and even defiance. Intellectual focus is difficult to achieve on Thursday but intuition is strong, although not infallible. We can't escape the need for cooperation and approval on Friday. Our intuition may be derailed if we face to much doubt or denial. There is a need to follow an orderly plan on Saturday, despite the highly erratic and intensely creative environment. The key is maintaining respect for individual differences and appreciating the need for freedom and independence.
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