Current Planetary Positions

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Sun 09° Taurus 25' 19"
Moon 11° Capricorn 20' 44"
Mercury 16° Aries 32' 40"
Venus 29° Aries 43' 37"
Mars 28° Pisces 55' 43"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 47' 15"
Pallas 04° Sagittarius 50' 47" 
Juno 06° Virgo 27' 14"
Vesta 09° Cancer 19' 02"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 42' 59"
Saturn 16° Pisces 29' 02"
Chiron 20° Aries 36' 01"
Uranus 22° Taurus 17' 17"
Neptune 28° Pisces 52' 35"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 04"
TrueNode 15° Aries 23' 22" 

Astrology in the Bible

I just found a very insightful post by Kelly Lee Phipps pointing out various biblical references to Astrology. I have always believed that there is incredible wisdom hidden away in a variety of ancient writings - even the Bible. Sometimes it is simply misunderstood. However,  too often it is ignored, derided or distorted in order to obscure truth and mislead or manipulate the uninformed.

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