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Sun 09° Taurus 45' 44"
Moon 16° Capricorn 01' 56"
Mercury 16° Aries 39' 14"
Venus 00° Taurus 09' 30"
Mars 29° Pisces 11' 55"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 49' 11"
Pallas 04° Sagittarius 45' 47" 
Juno 06° Virgo 28' 09"
Vesta 09° Cancer 26' 35"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 47' 52"
Saturn 16° Pisces 30' 54"
Chiron 20° Aries 37' 13"
Uranus 22° Taurus 18' 29"
Neptune 28° Pisces 53' 14"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 06"
TrueNode 15° Aries 22' 34" 

Mercury in Taurus

Mercury in Taurus - Thoughtful and Deliberate

"When forms begin to crumble there is always an opportunity for great deepening. By deepening I mean the arising of who you are beyond form."

— Eckhart Tolle

The Sun and Mercury both leave bold and fiery Aries at the beginning of this week. The bold, fiery energy of Aries has been fed by the transit of Mars through airy Gemini, especially under the helpful 'mutual reception' between Mercury and Mars. The effect of both the Sun and Mercury in Taurus slows down our thinking and actions, encouraging us to be more methodical and cautious. Mars will leave mercurial Gemini by Friday and be somewhat 'dampened' in watery Cancer. The transitions are actually rather subtle but noticeable and very important. The initiatives of Aries are stabilized in Taurus, where roots begin to go deep into the earth in order to establish strong holding power. Mars in Cancer has us becoming more protective of our progress, leaving behind the fearless curiosity of Gemini. The atmosphere is slower and more deliberate, which some may feel as restrictive, particularly in the context of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square that is part of the overarching environment. We are less inclined to develop new initiatives and begin to look towards consolidating our efforts, possibly leaving some initiatives on the 'cutting floor'. Our thinking may be less bold and more deliberate and cautious. The consolidation and slowdowns may very well lead to some bruised egos. This is something like an atmospheric pressure change — changing what we focus on, how we communicate with others, and how we approach our ongoing initiatives. We begin to recognize the need for new planning sessions, new strategies, and new methods of enlisting others in the support of our efforts. Personal freedom is very important here, especially as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun all approach conjunctions with Uranus. We desperately want to express our unique individuality and our distinct perspective. The desire for freedom can be stabilized and grounded through the new awareness that we find this week. Adaptability and flexibility will help us to acknowledge our limitations and honor our past and our traditions, even as we move forward in establishing the entirely new framework that we are working toward.

The Cancer Moon on Sunday increases our sensitivity to the changing winds that are beginning to strengthen as we begin the week. The transitional cusp energy is even stronger on Monday, as both the Sun and Mercury arrive in Taurus. A Moon-Pluto opposition raises the sensitivity and may produce some drama surrounding the shift in the atmosphere. We find a bit more appreciation for the stability of the new environment on Tuesday. However, as we begin to look towards consolidating our efforts, some may feel that a precious pet project is being left behind. Ego sensitivity is a concern. There is a blooming creativity on Wednesday after a potentially bumpy start to the day. We can find new ways of relating to others and supporting their efforts. Detachment may almost seem like disconnection on Thursday. We are preparing for a new round of planning and sensitivity is rather high. Mars arrives in Cancer on Friday. The Virgo Moon encourages an orderly process but there is still some tendency towards erratic and unpredictable behavior. Saturday's Libra Moon encouraging us to reflect on this week's new atmosphere and establish a new sense of balance.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mercury in Taurus - Weekly Horoscope

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