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Sun 13° Taurus 18' 18"
Moon 06° Pisces 45' 25"
Mercury 18° Aries 19' 30"
Venus 04° Taurus 39' 19"
Mars 02° Aries 00' 40"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 06' 56"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 51' 10" 
Juno 06° Virgo 40' 19"
Vesta 10° Cancer 46' 11"
Jupiter 24° Taurus 39' 03"
Saturn 16° Pisces 49' 56"
Chiron 20° Aries 49' 30"
Uranus 22° Taurus 31' 02"
Neptune 28° Pisces 59' 46"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 14" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 21' 59"

Mars-Saturn Conjunction

Mars-Saturn Conjunction - Restriction

"The more I see, the less I know for sure."

— John Lennon

The individual initiative and energetic growing power that was unleashed by last Tuesday's New Moon (2:28 AM PDT 4° Aries) begins to take shape and show signs of progress this week. The landscape changes very quickly as an entirely new framework begins to emerge, most notably due to Saturn leaving cautiously conservative Capricorn for inventive Aquarius. Mars also leaves Capricorn for Aquarius, conjuncting Saturn on Tuesday. We are especially sensitive to any sense of restriction under the Mars-Saturn conjunction and the likelihood is that a sense of protectiveness quickly puts us on the defensive. Although we may feel amazingly confident, we will do well to temper such confidence with methodical consideration and self-control. Also changing our overall perspective, Mercury emerges from the 'shadow' of the previous retrograde period. Nonetheless, it is still in it's 'fall' in Pisces and must navigate a cloudy and confusing conjunction with Neptune, which is building until Friday. While there may certainly be increasing intuitive insight and inspiration funneled through this conjunction, confusing information is also part of this mixture. In general, reliable information is likely to continue to be scarce and spotty at least until Mercury leaves Pisces on April 10th. Nonetheless, we gain important glimpses of how we can learn to navigate this new landscape that has been fostered by January's Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Even so, we will need to 'remain teachable' and maintain our humility while we begin to recognize the new opportunities which are presenting themselves. This week offers important lessons which will help us develop important new skills that will serve us well in the days, weeks, months, and — yes — years to come.

There is some impulsiveness to contend with on Sunday. Some may rather look for ways to disappear while others will need to honor the perspective of others in their desire to express their own point of view. The Moon is VOC for most of the day on Monday. Advice is unwelcome and we are prone to promoting complicated and ineffective new ideas. The Mars-Saturn conjunction on Tuesday increases our sensitivity to any sort of restriction. The Moon's trines to Mercury and Neptune help to soothe nerves on Wednesday, inspiring compassion and understanding. We begin to focus on learning as well as teaching on Thursday. Honesty may lead to separations. Relationships are under extreme pressure on Friday. We'll do better to avoid taking things personally. Mercury escapes the conjunction with Neptune on Saturday and we begin to see glimpses of a new framework that is being established to replace old and outworn traditional approaches.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars-Saturn conjunction - Weekly Horoscope

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