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Sun 09° Taurus 50' 13"
Moon 17° Capricorn 03' 57"
Mercury 16° Aries 40' 45"
Venus 00° Taurus 15' 11"
Mars 29° Pisces 15' 29"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 49' 37"
Pallas 04° Sagittarius 44' 41" 
Juno 06° Virgo 28' 22"
Vesta 09° Cancer 28' 15"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 48' 57"
Saturn 16° Pisces 31' 19"
Chiron 20° Aries 37' 29"
Uranus 22° Taurus 18' 45"
Neptune 28° Pisces 53' 22"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 06"
TrueNode 15° Aries 22' 24" 


PallasI believe that Pallas is associated with Leo. There is a mental quality inherent in Leo which is little understood or suggested in most astrological literature. Yellow is assigned to Leo in the color wheel. Yellow is definitely a mental color and I have found that Leo represents enthusiastic and enjoyable learning situations. The association of Pallas with Leo explains this quality. According to mythology, Pallas was Jupiter’s “brain-child”, springing fully formed from his head. She was not born of woman, although feminine herself. She was the product of an androgynous element of Jupiter. Jupiter co-rules the second decanate of Leo. Jupiter is the planet most like the nature of the Sun, reflecting two-and one-half times the expected amount of light from the Sun’s rays. It is composed of high amounts of hydrogen with almost enough energy to turn it into a Sun itself. Pallas could be said to represent the mind of Jupiter. Her nature is perceptive, artistic, harmonious, joyful, peaceful, disciplined, and hard-working. Her work was never drudgery, but creative and meaningful. She had a faculty for combining pleasure with work.

Perception seems to me to be the best descriptive word relating to Pallas. It stimulates an ability to see clearly and understand in a meaningful way, sidestepping the harsh overtones normally associated with reality. Realists are considered cold, detached and objective. But this is not necessarily reality. We make a division between realists and dreamers which is not necessarily accurate. Pallas works effectively with the reality inherent in both of these extremes. It is related to the blending of science and religion. Pallas sees that they are simply two sides of the same coin.

Pallas is most definitely associated with creativity, a quality assigned to Leo and the fifth house. Pallas seems to use both positive and negative polarity in an energizing way. It demonstrates the most accomplishment with the least amount of energy. Weaving two opposing elements together to form meaningful wholes suggests the principle of alternating current. All creativity results from the action of positive and negative polarization.

Pallas might also be considered an efficiency expert but not in the usual sense. Efficiency experts usually succeed through singleness of purpose; eliminating everything not directly connected with the desired result. Pallas is more likely to make use of all available abilities and material. Rather than streamlining, it expands into organizing all available elements. No grain of sand misses her eagle-like perceptive eye. “Not a sparrow falleth without the Heavenly Father’s notice.” Pallas represents the conservation rather than the waste of natural resources. In nature and throughout the universe, nothing is ever lost. One form is merely transformed into another.

Those with Pallas strong in their chart have a desire to reconcile all exceptions. There may be 99 sheep safe in the fold but it is that one that is lost in the desert, gone astray, that the master must find and bring home. Pallas is aware that nothing is really lost, but her job is to understand those deviations. Pallas will not be chained or stopped by crying over “spilled milk” but she will save what can be saved before going onto something else. Pallas is a free spirit who roams the world, unlocking doors; when one door locks in front of her, she looks for another to open. Pallas works on the problem nearest at hand but she is not bound by that problem. She is the one that turns every stumbling block into a stepping stone. She never “bites off more than she can chew”. She has a tremendous faculty for recognizing what she can do and what she cannot do.

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