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Sun 09° Taurus 59' 18"
Moon 19° Capricorn 09' 58"
Mercury 16° Aries 43' 54"
Venus 00° Taurus 26' 43"
Mars 29° Pisces 22' 42"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 50' 27"
Pallas 04° Sagittarius 42' 27" 
Juno 06° Virgo 28' 48"
Vesta 09° Cancer 31' 37"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 51' 08"
Saturn 16° Pisces 32' 09"
Chiron 20° Aries 38' 00"
Uranus 22° Taurus 19' 17"
Neptune 28° Pisces 53' 39"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 07"
TrueNode 15° Aries 22' 06" 

The Daily Astrological Currents by Week

A free daily horoscope from Pluto's Child

"Every day can be a good day"
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This Daily Astrological Forecast is a bit different than most daily forecasts since it isn’t written for each individual Sun Sign. Rather, it is intended to be a bit like an Astrological Weather Report. To read more about this forecast, see this post

Weekly Summary: APRIL 21 - APRIL 27

"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
— Sylvia Plath

This week brings an intense, unsteady and somewhat indecisive culmination to the high-energy lunar cycle initiated under the Aries New Moon (11:37 AM PDT 19° Aries Solar Eclipse) on April 8th. Tuesday's Scorpio Full Moon (4:48 PM PDT 4° Scorpio/Taurus) is highly pressurized — both the Sun and Moon create a fixed T-square with Pluto. There is extraordinary creativity suggested by the Full Moon but also an intense demand to purge unworkable or untenable elements. We may find ourselves feeling quite 'stuck' at times this week. We may be unable to shake the feeling that 'something's gotta give' but there a few clear individual routes available to create the sort of change that seems to be demanded. Even if we feel strong urges to 'do something', we cannot escape the increasing awareness of broader implications and ramifications of whatever actions we try to initiate, suggesting paralyzing indecision. Most of us are likely to seek some kind of 'tried and true' approach and try to avoid the risks involved with 'breaking new ground'. However, there aren't any clear precedents or 'stock' answers for us to latch on to. We may be inclined to believe that we should only embrace the ideas and solutions that are based upon what our family, tribe, or society is telling us are right. However, only our individual, creative inspiration will gain the kind of traction that is needed and yet, the stakes seem impossibly high. The general uncertainty in this week's atmosphere does not suggest many bold initiatives or action. Mars is approaching an especially steamy and confusing conjunction with Neptune which will complete at the beginning of next week. Near the end of this week, ahead of the Mars-Neptune conjunction, there is quite a bubble of optimism that pops into the atmosphere. Although, there is little support for individuals to find the kind of clear, definitive, solutions that are needed, we may actually see that solutions are actually falling into place spontaneously. Despite the general uncertainty and indecisiveness, some decisions seem to 'make themselves'. The end-of-the-week optimism should be embraced cautiously. Next week's Mars-Neptune interaction may leave us at least a bit disillusioned. Much of this week's uncertainty — that stuck feeling — is related to an idealistic aspiration to find some kind of 'perfect' solution or approach. That idealism is likely to be dashed in some way and coming 'back down to earth' next week may be difficult for many of us. Once Mars arrives in Aries, next Wednesday, we are likely to finally find the decisiveness and determination to actually follow through on the creative inspiration that seems to be just beyond our grasp this week.

A 'stuck' feeling may look like laziness on Sunday. Nonetheless, there is an urge to initiate significant change even though such change is quite difficult. Even though we feel pressed to take action on Monday, uncertainty and indecision seems to stall our progress. Overall, our path is narrowing, requiring us to pursue our individual purpose and stop trying to satisfy the demands of others. The Scorpio Full Moon on Tuesday is quite intense, producing a highly pressurized environment. Even though persistence may seem futile, few are inclined to just give up and walk away. There is increased pressure on Wednesday and we feel that the stakes have been raised. Even though we may have everything we need to move forward, we may still try to rely on established approaches and ignore our individual, creative inspiration. There is a general feeling of optimism on Thursday. Some things seem to fall into place spontaneously. Optimism may continue into Friday but there is some need for caution. We shouldn't let our idealism get the best of us. A general feeling of insecurity encourages withdrawal on Saturday. Nonetheless, we are inclined to try to 'keep up appearances' rather than open up about our insecurity.

Sunday April 21, 2024

A feeling of being 'stuck' may look like laziness today. However, there is probably more 'internal grinding work' going on than we can easily recognize. The Sun squares Pluto this morning, suggesting a strong urge to make some kind of change — and 'change is hard'. Most of us are likely to be just looking for the 'next right thing', which doesn't seem all that apparent. There is quite a bit of idealism rolling off of today's Venus-Chiron conjunction and Venus rules the Libra Moon, increasing the idealistic tendencies to look for 'perfect' actions. Mercury is nearly stationary but will not turn direct until Thursday so a feeling of being stuck isn't all that surprising. We're generally better off spending time observing and 'considering' today, rather than trying to take direct action.

Monday April 22, 2024

Although we may not feel as 'stuck' as we felt yesterday, uncertainty and indecision is likely to increase significantly today. There may be a strong urge to 'do something' but there is also an increased awareness of the broader implications of any actions that we do decide to take. The challenges that come before us today are geared towards increasing our sense of individual mission and self-determination. It is most likely that any stumbling blocks we encounter are centered around trying to please or 'convince' others by using standards and criteria that we don't really understand. As we approach tomorrow's Scorpio Full Moon (4:48 PM PDT 4° Scorpio/Taurus), we are finding that the path is narrowing. The only solutions that will work for us as individuals are those solutions which come from within — not solutions that we think we're supposed to embrace based upon what our family, tribe, or society is telling us is right. The Moon goes VOC at 4:23 PM PDT this afternoon, suggesting that making decisions becomes even more difficult.

Tuesday April 23, 2024

The Moon arrives in Scorpio at 8:19 AM PDT and will square Pluto by 12:26 PM PDT, ahead of today's Scorpio Full Moon (4:48 PM PDT 4° Scorpio/Taurus). This is a highly pressurized environment. A sense of feeling 'stuck' may resurface but there is also a sense that 'something's gotta give'. Action must be taken; decisions must be made. Persistence may seem futile but there is little to suggest anybody's going to just 'give up'. There is extraordinary creativity suggested by this Full Moon but also, a demand that unworkable or untenable elements must be purged. With Mars approaching a conjunction with Neptune and Mercury nearly stationary direct, it is likely that we only have an intuitive sense of what is needed which is very difficult to explain rationally, which is to say, we'll "know it when we see it".

Wednesday April 24, 2024

Mercury stations today, very close to the Aries North Node, and will turn direct early tomorrow morning. Although decisiveness is still difficult to come by, there is a feeling that the stakes are raised. We may very well feel the need to rely on something 'tried and true' and avoid any risk associated with breaking new ground. However, this is not an atmosphere that provides many clear precedents or 'stock' answers — we need to be creative. There is plenty here to suggest that we have everything we need in order to resolve the tensions. However, we will need to stay balanced and open to further adjustments over the next few weeks.

Thursday April 25, 2024

Mercury turns direct today and the atmosphere is generally optimistic — perhaps even exciting. To some extent, it is likely that things fall into place spontaneously. In essence, 'decisions make themselves'. The Moon makes a soothing trine to Neptune at 4:16 pm PDT and then goes VOC briefly, until 6:36 PM PDT. Once in Sagittarius, the Moon's sextile to Pluto late in the evening bolsters our sense of optimism and the general feeling that things are going in the 'right' direction.

Friday April 26, 2024

It isn't easy to see any need for caution today — but it's probably there. An individual sense of identity seems to be 'in control' but that doesn't mean that we should forget about checking in with those around us. To some extent, we may be feeling that we're being given a second chance or feel that some significant weight has been lifted. Nonetheless, it will be important to recognize that the landscape has changed more than we may realize and we'll need to adjust our tactics more than we understand from today's perspective. Mars is approaching a conjunction with Neptune that will complete at the beginning of next week. It isn't hard to draw the wrong conclusions in the foggy atmosphere of a steamy Mars-Neptune conjunction. We may find that we have been misled through overconfidence or otherwise have our idealistic illusions dashed.

Saturday April 27, 2024

The day begins with an early morning Moon-Saturn square and ends with a late evening Moon-Venus trine that follows a Moon-Mars square. Essentially, there is a general undercurrent of insecurity that encourages withdrawal. Nonetheless, we may seem to be compelled to 'keep up appearances' in order to cover some internal chaos or instability. The midday Moon-Uranus and Moon-Jupiter quincunxes punctuate the tendency to 'look busy' in order to cover up uncertainty. This environment is not really likely to last terribly long but may seem endless as we move through the day. Once the Mars-Neptune conjunction completes tomorrow, we can begin to hope to see our way a bit more clearly and finally establish a clear, new sense of direction.

Today is Monday April 29, 2024

Weekly Summary: APRIL 28 - MAY 4

"Well, I see black and white and red and yellow, even green — getting together. And their weapons are shining clean — but I'm not talking about swords, knives, and guns. I'm talking about the power of God and the new rising sun."
— Jimi Hendrix, Cherokee Mist: The Lost Writings

Venus gets 'home' to Taurus and Mars gets 'home' to Aries this week. There is a sense of relief that accompanies these developments.The relief is punctuated and inspired by a precipitous Mars-Pluto sextile that completes by Friday. A quiet awakening occurs with little fanfare — a rebirth of idealism that is unfettered by the baggage of the past — old illusions and outmoded ideals. Mercury, now direct in Aries, picks up speed this week. Our confidence builds as Mercury approaches another conjunction with Chiron, which will complete just before next Tuesday's Taurus New Moon (May 7th, 8:21 PM PDT 18° Taurus). Self-doubt seems to somehow melt away in an atmosphere where we are increasingly determined to simply speak our mind. Assessments are raw and the idealism that we see emerging is both steady and fierce. Much of this week's actions are rather 'matter-of-fact'. There are surprisingly few inclinations to go on the defensive or try to protect our position — the attitude is simply "this is how it has to be". The Mars-Pluto sextile is especially potent because Pluto is stationing to go retrograde (on Thursday). The imperatives we feel to take action and firmly break with the past are determined, quiet and steady. A New Day has Dawned — there is no going back. Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn for just about two and a half months, from September 1 until November 19th. However, this brief 'Capricorn Survey' will not have the same feel or 'flavor' as the approximately 18 year 'era' that we have just emerged from. Our perspective on the crumbling structures of the past have changed dramatically just since Pluto's ingress into Aquarius last January. We are more likely to recoil from any suggestion that we might return to the collapsed, outmoded and unworkable structures of the past. We will see even more evidence of a determination to embrace the future (and not the past) when Jupiter moves into Gemini (trining Pluto) and Mars moves into Taurus (squaring Pluto) in June. Next Tuesday's Taurus New Moon may begin to stir up some tumult or conflict that we could see culminate with that Mars-Pluto square in June. However, this week's atmosphere is far more muted and offers important opportunities to set a powerfully peaceful tone for the rest of the year's changes and challenges. It is essentially an opportunity to gather up the lessons of our personal, societal, and cultural histories into a new and novel approach to pursuing our 'future-focused', idealistic intentions and aspirations.

There is a rather lazy, dissolute abandon on Sunday which may actually allow us to let go of some unnecessary baggage. In fact, significant, grounded progress may happen quietly, without any apparent effort. There is a comfortable sense of relief on Monday. However, we may be tempted to squeeze just a bit more by using deception or manipulation. We feel a newfound sense of freedom on Tuesday. We find an atmosphere intent on exposure and a distinct search for truth. We are seeking to enact and enforce 'change' on Wednesday. We feel increasing determination to 'speak our minds'. A heady sense of power emerges on Thursday with a strong emotional commitment. A social component encourages us to share our ideas with others. There is an imperative to take action on Friday. Our attitude is quite 'matter-of-fact' with little attention paid to any emotional responses or push back. A feeling of destiny, fate, or mission comes forward on Saturday. We sense that there is 'no going back' and believe that there is little left to fight about.

Sunday April 28, 2024

There is a significant opportunity to make well-grounded progress today. The Moon arrives in Capricorn early (2:37 AM PDT) this morning, offering a stabilizing atmosphere. The challenge here is staying focused. The Mars-Neptune conjunction completes by about 9:30 PM PDT this evening, following a Moon-Sun trine, which may encourage a rather 'lazy', dissolute abandon that dissipates our commitment. There is a significant danger of disappointment or disillusionment, although the general atmosphere is geared towards clearing away unworkable or untenable aspirations and goals. In this environment, the disillusion may simply clear away elements that we have been clinging to too tightly — actually providing a more workable landscape to work with.

Monday April 29, 2024

Venus moves into Taurus early (4:31 AM PDT) this morning. The Moon sextiles Saturn later this morning and moves into trines to both Uranus and Jupiter by this evening. All of these developments seem to offer a satisfying sense of progress as well as significant comfort but there are some complications. Today's freedom and optimism could be a bit intoxicating. The forming Venus-Pluto square suggests a tantalizing temptation to squeeze a bit more satisfaction through manipulation or some kind of deception. Ultimately most of us seem to be motivated by protectiveness and possibly suspicion. Managing defensiveness is perhaps today's biggest challenge.

Tuesday April 30, 2024

The Moon moves into Aquarius this morning (8:19 AM PDT) in a tight sextile to Mars which arrives in Aries at nearly the same moment. The sense of new found freedom is unmistakable, providing an environment for the unwinding of a number of challenging stumbling blocks. Today's idealism is clear and definitive, without most of the self-doubt that we may have been struggling with for the last several months. The Moon conjuncts Pluto at noon (PDT) today, helping to dissipate any of yesterday's defensiveness, protectiveness, or manipulation. Today's atmosphere encourages exposure and a distinct search for truth. Even if some of us are far out ahead of others, there seems to be little concern for 'keeping everyone on the same page'. The general feeling today is "Truth is truth" — deal with it.

Wednesday May 01, 2024

With Mars now in Aries, it has begun to form a precipitous sextile to Pluto. Pluto is stationing to turn retrograde tomorrow. As Pluto is activated by the sextile from Mars, we are beginning to embrace a rather new and novel approach to idealism. In essence, there is a potent drive to enact and perhaps even enforce dramatic change. Of course, as Pluto begins to retrograde, we must first take stock of the current 'status' of any ongoing initiatives. This is a rather 'raw' assessment, aimed towards unearthing any hidden elements without any regard for diplomatic 'propriety'. As Mercury begins to pick up speed in direct motion, we are increasingly determined to 'speak our mind'. Idealism, in this environment, is likely to seem fierce.

Thursday May 02, 2024

The Moon arrives in Pisces just after Pluto's retrograde station around 11 AM PDT this morning. Oddly enough, we're prone to focus on the minute details of the building, intense idealism. The sense of power encourages some kind of 'awakening'. The Pisces Moon does not really bring any sort of specificity to the increased sense of purpose but it does stir our emotional commitment. The Moon forms a sextile to Venus this afternoon, bringing a social component to our new sense of purpose. This may help us to form alliances but will certainly encourage us to share our feelings and determination with others. The Mars-Pluto sextile will complete overnight — early tomorrow morning (2:05 AM PDT) — stirring an imperative to action which will continue into tomorrow.

Friday May 03, 2024

Today's progress is steady and quiet. The determined inclination to break with the past may not be readily apparent until we begin to see the results of the efforts that are being applied. There is really no way to move forward until we remove the untenable elements in our way and so we simply 'do what needs to be done' . The groundbreaking nature of today's progress is not accented by any fanfare or demonstrative rhetoric. Rather, there is simply a matter-of-fact "this is how it has to be" attitude. The past is, in fact, behind us and there seems to be very little inclination to protect or defend anything that is, actually, already gone. Any irrational emotional responses are likely to be met with a 'stone face' and little argument.

Saturday May 04, 2024

The Moon sextiles Uranus and Jupiter very early this morning and conjuncts Neptune just after noon PDT before going briefly VOC from 12:05 PM PDT until 1:40 PM PDT. Once in Aries, the Moon heads into a conjunction with Mars which will reactivate the sextile to Pluto. Despite the extremely volatile, Aries/Mars energy, there doesn't seem to really be much to fight over today. Instead, there is a sense of rebirth — that A New Day has Dawned. There is no going back. Although we may find ourselves bracing for new conflict by next Tuesday's Taurus New Moon (8:21 PM PDT 18° Taurus), today seems to hold us in something like 'suspended animation' as we begin to discover a new sense of destiny, fate, or mission.

Weekly Summary: MAY 5 - MAY 11

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
— Maya Angelou

There are likely to be several 'bumps' in the road this week — frustrating challenges and obstacles — both before and after this Tuesday's Taurus New Moon (8:21 PM PDT 18° Taurus). There is still quite a bit of Aries energy in the atmosphere which helps to propel us forward but may also increase our impatience levels. Our wheels may spin if we aren't able to quickly get as much traction as we would like. Nonetheless, the New Moon, which sextiles Saturn, is quite powerfully grounded, suggesting a 'springboard' for future growth. Last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is activated by the New Moon. The Moon conjuncts both Jupiter and Uranus following Tuesday's New Moon and then makes a sextile to Neptune, which is at the last degree of Pisces. The Moon-Neptune sextile foreshadows the upcoming, highly inspiring and creative Jupiter-Neptune sextile, which completes near the end of the month (May 23rd). Before the day is over on Tuesday, the Moon moves into Gemini to make a trine to Pluto. In essence, we get a remarkable creative 'jolt' from Tuesday's developments, propelling us forward with new strength and determination. The developments over the course of this new lunar cycle may bring some surprises but will be tangible and well-grounded. The support that is offered is unmistakable. Of course, any progress will still require plenty of 'heavy lifting'. Mercury returns to conjunct Chiron just before the New Moon, stirring significant idealistic intentions and producing a strong imperative to prove the value and importance of that idealism. Our connections to others are tested significantly as we begin to work with the new initiatives of the New Moon. Even though independence is paramount, we'll face extra challenges and struggles if we cut ourselves off from the input of others. The developing creative inspiration needs collaborative interaction in order to be fully realized. Our intuition may be telling us that there is a breakthrough 'just around the corner' but we still need to pay attention to how we lay the groundwork — make the necessary connections in order to be prepared. The Sun will follow the Moon to conjunct Uranus and Jupiter next week. This week's 'creative tension' will produce breakthroughs next week. Even if we can't quite see how things will 'break loose' next week, we need to stay focused, pay attention, and 'watch the road'.

There is a surge of energy and enthusiasm on Sunday but distractions creep up on us. We may disregard information that will later prove to be important. Our 'wheels spin' on Monday but we don't get far. There are some hurdles to overcome before we can understand how to direct our energy. Tuesday's New Moon offers a powerful springboard for future growth. We are looking for ways to prove the value of our idealism in tangible, material ways. We get another boost of energy and enthusiasm on Wednesday that is better grounded than before. We need to find ways to collaborate and interact with others in order to make the most of the energy. Determination is strong on Thursday but it isn't easy to maintain a steady sense of direction. It is important to 'prepare the ground' for future progress. Our connections to others are tested on Friday. We may feel fearful or suspicious. Frustrations reach a peak at midday on Saturday. Some will withdraw while others find ways to use the energy more effectively to move forward.

Sunday May 05, 2024

We are feeling quite a surge of energy and initiative today. Nonetheless, distractions seem to creep up on us. It may be difficult to understand any warning or message that comes to us. We may be inclined to disregard information that might later prove important. Independence is paramount. For the most part, we are inclined to do things our own way for our own purposes. Although we may be getting good information and advice from those around us, it isn't easy to incorporate input. Ultimately, we aren't likely to make as much progress today as we would like. Tuesday's Taurus New Moon (8:21 PM PDT 18° Taurus) will help to stabilize and direct the initiatives that we're trying to pursue today. The Moon goes VOC after conjuncting Mercury late this evening (10:56 PM PDT) and won't arrive in Taurus until tomorrow afternoon.

Monday May 06, 2024

The Moon is VOC until 2:41 PM PDT today, suggesting that 'wheels spin' but we don't get far. Once in Taurus, we begin to gain significant traction The Moon squares Pluto around 6 PM PDT, suggesting some kind of intense hurdle to overcome in order to understand how to best direct our energy. Mercury returns to make a third conjunction with Chiron today which stirs our minds with some significant idealistic intentions. This third conjunction is the most grounded and feeds some especially grounded initiatives that can begin to 'grow' under tomorrow's Taurus New Moon (8:21 PM PDT 18° Taurus).

Tuesday May 07, 2024

The Moon conjuncts Venus and sextiles Saturn ahead of this evening's Taurus New Moon (8:21 PM PDT 18° Taurus), suggesting a powerfully grounded 'springboard' for future growth. The swirls of idealism and initiative that have been coming into our consciousness for the last month or two finally gets a significant boost of grounded energy. The New Moon activates last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction with both energy and focus. This is not to suggest that there are not still hurdles to overcome. There is plenty of 'heavy lifting' to be done to actually move forward from here. Nonetheless, the support is unmistakable. The New Moon makes an important sextile to Saturn, which adds an extra layer of incentive to make the effort required to actually succeed in whatever initiatives hold our focus today. There is an underlying imperative to prove the value of our idealism in tangible, material ways.

Wednesday May 08, 2024

The Moon's conjunctions with Uranus and Jupiter today provide a significant boost of energy and enthusiasm to yesterday's Taurus New Moon (8:21 PM PDT 18° Taurus). The opportunities may seem so vast that we struggle to establish a clear direction. As well, we may begin to feel the effects of the forming Jupiter-Neptune sextile. Although that connection will not complete until May 23rd, the Moon's conjunction with Jupiter is followed up by a sextile to Neptune this afternoon, foreshadowing that upcoming influence. The creative 'jolt' is extraordinary but we will need to find ways to collaborate and interact with others in order to make the most of this energy. The Moon goes briefly VOC this afternoon from 2:55 PM PDT until 4:20 PM PDT. Once in Gemini, the Moon's trine to Pluto 'ups the stakes' and intensifies the creative imperatives.

Thursday May 09, 2024

We may find ourselves losing our sense of direction today, even though determination remains strong. The confidence that we feel is strong and deep although it may seem to dwindle as we move through the day ahead of this evening's Moon-Saturn square. There are, however, opportunities to transcend any temporary doubts if we can stay focused on the 'bigger picture'. Even if today's developments seem minimal, there are important elements that will break through in the next few days, once the Sun conjuncts Uranus next Monday. With some degree of foresight, we should be able to anticipate next week's shifts from today's vantage point and 'prepare the ground' for whatever developments we encounter.

Friday May 10, 2024

To some degree, the strength of our connections with others is tested today. Creativity and energy continues to be strong, but we may find ourselves beset by irrational fears or suspicions. This is a temporary situation but we should tread quite carefully. We're prone to frustration when we can't clearly articulate our intuitive vision well enough to bring others along with us. The energy could quickly get us in over our heads if we push too hard to find agreement or understanding. We may begin to believe that we need to cut ties and 'go it alone' — but the situation may not be as serious as it seems today. We'll do better to take a step back and look for new opportunities or new approaches in order to communicate our ideas more effectively. The Moon is briefly VOC from 6:48 PM PDT until 8:12 PM PDT.

Saturday May 11, 2024

The Cancer Moon squares Mars just before noon today, when frustrations may come to a peak before subsiding. Some may pull back and 'go back to their corner' but others are encouraged to move beyond the tension and make more productive use of today's energy. Intuition is whispering that things are about to 'break loose' and we'll do better to prepare the ground for the future rather than struggle with some temporary tensions that will soon be irrelevant. Even if we can't really put our finger on just exactly what is coming, the feeling that we need to pay attention and 'watch the road' is very prevalent today.