Current Transits

Saturday May 04, 2024
02:47:21 AM

The Sun14° Taurus 25' 10"

The Moon23° Pisces 22' 45"

Mercury19° Aries 02' 24"

Venus06° Taurus 04' 16"

Mars02° Aries 53' 44"

Ceres21° Capricorn 11' 35"

Pallas03° Sagittarius 33' 03" 

Juno06° Virgo 45' 04"

Vesta11° Cancer 11' 35"

Jupiter24° Taurus 55' 12"

Saturn16° Pisces 55' 44"

Chiron20° Aries 53' 20"

Uranus22° Taurus 35' 00"

Neptune29° Pisces 01' 46"

Pluto02° Aquarius 06' 12" 

N Node15° Aries 23' 38"

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This page offers brief descriptions of the current planetary transits and the degree (from Degrees Of The Zodiac) that is coloring the transit at this moment. The transit descriptions used are brief excerpts from Transits by Esther V. Leinbach which is currently being revised and edited for future release. Use the Current Planetary Position Widget on the right to look up another planet's influence!

Read Today's Forecast

The Moon transiting Pisces:

MOON: As the Moon transits Pisces, people tend to be somewhat more emotional and vague. Many are trying to understand themselves better and intuit what makes them tick. If you have no planets in Pisces, you may be somewhat unconscious of this influence and what can be accomplished. You will find that others are more sympathetic to any problems you have or wish to discuss. Some people will look for escapes at this time, feeling that there is no help for their condition.

23° of Pisces:

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