Current Planetary Positions

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Sun 00° Taurus 00' 51"
Moon 11° Virgo 54' 15"
Mercury 17° Aries 26' 03" 
Venus 17° Aries 49' 03"
Mars 21° Pisces 27' 36"
Ceres 19° Capricorn 38' 43"
Pallas 06° Sagittarius 48' 57" 
Juno 06° Virgo 19' 06" 
Vesta 05° Cancer 57' 04"
Jupiter 21° Taurus 29' 09"
Saturn 15° Pisces 34' 29"
Chiron 20° Aries 02' 37"
Uranus 21° Taurus 44' 51"
Neptune 28° Pisces 34' 00"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 03' 47"
TrueNode 15° Aries 36' 54"

Cancer New Moon - July 18th, 2012

The Cancer New Moon tonight (July 18th) is at 9:24 PDT right on the edge of 26º Cancer. While most of the action right now is earlier in the signs - from 7º to 11º - the New Moon is late. In fact, the Moon goes void-of-course after starting it's new phase. From what I [...]

Richard Tarnas' COSMOS & PSYCHE

I'm reading Richard Tarnas' Cosmos And Psyche right now and really enjoying it. The book is a broad, sweeping examination of history which looks at corresponding angular interaction of the major planets. He begins the book by discussing what he calls the "disenchantment" of the universe brought about by the overriding scientific enlightenment of the [...]

September 11th, Revisited

The following article was posted late in September, 2001 on the Esther & Son Website. I wrote it within the context of the Pluto/Saturn opposition.

I was inspired to re-post it after listening to a podcast from Astrologer Eric Francis Coppolino where he referenced an Article that he wrote following the [...]

Two Against One

Okay, I've got to admit it. Pluto over my natal Moon is kicking my ass. There are just too many other things going on, though, for me to really blame it all on my own personal transits. Good Grief! There's the Jupiter-Saturn Opposition. There's the Uranus-Saturn Opposition. Just Pluto in Capricorn by itself is massively [...]

Radio Astrologer

Some visitors here may already know that last week I popped in on Judith Conrad's radio show on 1320 AM radio in Eugene, Oregon. (Thats for those not in beautiful Eugene, Oregon.) I'll be joining Judith for the next few weeks on her 10 AM to 11 AM Wednesday show. Although I was only [...]